Being Anna Marie part 12

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“Look at you, your eyes are almost as red as my own! It’s not so much the blood you crave; it’s the fear, the pain, the need to suck the life from this body!” That sadistic voice screamed from all around me as I squeezed my eyes shut as if to somehow banish it from my existence.

“And you think hell is not where your headed sweetie?” Andrew’s words tormented me; flashes of his burning flesh, his sinister smiles, his pain filled eyes as he was dragged into the earth seemed to merge with the sight of the joyful oblivious faces of the surrounding party.


“Please make it stop,” I whispered helplessly trying earnestly to erase the memories that bombarded me from all sides.


My vision became hazy, my footsteps unstable as the sight of  Alice’s soulless eyes, her unforgettably tortured features becoming unresponsive as the massive amount of locus swarmed over her body flashed before my gaze as I tried to cover my ears to her now nonexistent screams.

My Anna, my baby doll with her beautiful silken curls, rosy cheeks,” I heard him whisper into my ear as my arm rose to swing out only to strike out at nothing.

“Don’t touch me,” I whispered desperately while noticing how some of the guests now watched me strangely while quickly choosing to move further from where I stood.

I knew my stepfather was no longer at my side and yet still I could feel his fingertips rising to caress my cheek, his lips whispering, “Her forever pouty full lips.” Could see his face leaning over slowly, his breath fanning my skin, his lips gently tasting mine causing me to clutch desperately at my knees gagging, retching, and yet unable to release anything but tears.

“Sweetie,” Clarice began as she gently grasped my shaking shoulders only to stop at the venom she found in my stare. She retreated a few steps, only to stand next to a worried and yet remorseful Andrea, Maria soon joining our small circle.

“Maybe we should take her inside Clarice. People are starting to notice-,” Maria began only for me to interrupt.

“And as we have learned in this life appearances are everything,” I mocked, my body swaying as I glared at the three of them, my breakdown making me appear almost drunk.

Being Anna MarieWhere stories live. Discover now