Being Anna Marie part 14

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Part 14

Hazel eyes sprung ajar suddenly as if some unknown force had harshly pried them apart, an abrupt gasp was released from my full lips drowning on the staleness of the stifling air, death and a sense of dread that I couldn't explain comingling in the atmosphere. I rose tentatively in the darkness my gaze widening unable to shake this unwanted feeling that somewhere, somehow, someone lied in wait watching. Through the crack barely visible between the slightly parted curtains I could see the darkened sky slowly illuminating, its once gloomy appearance going from ebony to navy's midnight hue as I peeled back the shabby covers that lied over me. There was a thick substance covering my skin, a substance that remained a mystery to me in the be-stilled darkness as I swung my naked legs onto the coolness of the beige carpet. My body scantily clothed in only my white bra and panties I quietly stepped over my discarded pink dress and sweater lying in shambles next to dirty timberland boots, a blue and white plaid shirt, and a blue baseball cap on my way towards the brightness of the bathroom.

I pierced the white door back, the light illuminating all it touched as my eyes took in the blood that lined my hands, traces of it now lingering on its white surface. My legs covered in the same scarlet liquid lead me towards the sink and there unashamedly sucking the trucker's life-force from my fingers I met little Marie's dismayed expression. Cheeks damp with tears, eyes blazing in fury sat my angelic other half, my conscience I couldn't seem to escape.

"What have you done?" Anna cried, her eyes horrified by the blood I callously washed from my skin, its appearance almost pink along the white porcelain as it swirled down the drain. "He's dead!"

"Don't you mean what have we done?" I mocked loving the horror on her childlike features. I saw identical hazel eyes frantically searching for answers from a blank mind, my amusement only growing at her inability to find any.

"Why can't I remember what happened last night? The last thing I can recall is you leading us from the bathroom!"

"That's because it's the way I wanted it to be," I smirked condescendingly. "I'm protecting you Anna as I always have. You could have never survived last night if you knew all that had happened." I allowed the cool water to wash away all evidence of last nights festivities while blatantly ignoring Anna's livid gaze piercing into my skull.

"Fuck protection," she muttered just as an unknown force regained power over our shared limbs coercing my unwilling palm against the cool glass of the mirror. "I'm tired of secrets," Anna yelled just as her hand collided with mine and I found myself once again compelled back outside the diner's bathroom...

I sauntered slowly towards the old rusted pickup, my hips swaying, my body radiating unstated lust. I could feel his eyes gazing at me longingly, his desire pouring off him in delicious ripples, and oh how I ached for him. I felt this unwarranted need to have him covet me, to blindly want me so intensely that all normal clarity was omitted for I knew without penetrating his mind that he was not far from that point already, and that once desire transformed into pure horror the darkness inside that consumed my very being would finally be sated, would finally be replete. The old car's door squeaked as I closed it, my attention solely on Gary's leering view of my exposed legs instead of my nagging doppelganger screaming danger inside my skull.

"I already have us a room," he whispered, one hand quickly steering us away from the diner as if to prevent me from changing my mind, the other busy taking repeated mouthfuls from his can of beer.

I slid sideways with my back to the door, my eyes intent on my prey which only seemed to cause his desire I could clearly see in his eyes to increase as a smile slowly crept upon my lips. I found it so easy to manipulate those who were already so desperate for attention... and what can I say?

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