Being Anna Marie part 13

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(This chapter is a little… odd lol I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think...)

Katrina’s screams belted from her tongue, liquid dripping from her once cruel blue depths as her body remained halted from the ground, her arms and legs spread out around her, eyes pleading for the pain to stop while a darkened hole formed in the middle of her chest, smoke rising from her skin, blood seeping into the yellow fabric of her dress before falling like tiny raindrops back down to the earth.

“Please,” she managed to whisper through the agonizing ache, her hand reaching out towards me, and yet from my cowardly corner in the darkest recesses of my mind I watched horrified at what I was seeing and nevertheless pitifully hopeless to stop it. For I could feel the glorious pleasure my darker self took from her torturous shrieks, her outpour of sadness, like a hysterically dehydrated man at last teased with the temptation of water. Her inability to escape, the fear that dripped from her skin was intoxicating as much as it was empowering causing my mouth to salivate at the mere sight of the red liquid viciously snatched from her skin. And had I been any closer to my victim; my powerless captive, I knew deep within myself that I would be no different than the monsters that hounded me. That I too yearned for a taste, craved the chance to savor life’s core being sucked from the very body it had once nourished.

This was the ominous piece of myself that I struggled to contain daily, this was the unquenchable thirst that tried to control my every waking moment…

…and this was the side of me in my foolishly naive moment of useless vulnerability I had allowed to be unleashed idiotically blind to the fact that once released I would be clueless as to how to cage it back inside.

What was once small droplets grew to puddles of scarlet lining the grass below Katrina’s immobile form as her skin grew pale, the spot where lightning bounded into her remained as dark as charcoal; its surrounding layer red and inflamed, and yet there deep inside her eyes. Pass the pain, pass the bleakness of helplessness still laid that tinge of hatred she held for me. An abhorrence that only seemed to grow as my darker carbon copy fed off her fear. Deep within I found myself having to be reminiscent of the fact that I was not this monster I could see reflected in her eyes, that I couldn’t allow myself to become the one thing I dreaded, that this most certainly was not what Andrea envisioned for me.

I found myself fighting against the darker power that had seized me making me defenseless inside, struggling to supersede its quest to dominate my form, but what I once found easy to surrender was almost impossible to recapture. My hands shook, electricity flashing on and off causing Katrina momentarily relief only to find herself once again scorched as darkness and light fought from within me.

“I’m in control,” I screamed as I fought to regain power over my limbs, only for my darker twin to laugh calmly at my failed attempts to gain authority.

“Not anymore,” she openly mocked while quickly shoving me back into the cage I had once willingly allowed myself to be locked into. “Sorry little Marie, but the only thing your in control of now is your mouth.”

“Stop this, now!” A voice bellowed beside us, its sound immobilizing me in mid-kill causing Katrina’s body to harshly fall callously crumpled to the ground. I turned furious eyes to my unwanted interruption only to fall to my knees at the sight.

“Dad?” I whispered, tears slipping from my eyes falling pass my quivering lips.

The thunder receded as quickly as it had appeared; the wind now vanished as the clouds parted and stars began to twinkle in the night’s sky like tiny sparklers trapped in a ribbon of ebony. The full moon glimmered intensely lighting the darkest of corners that the surrounding illumination from the building behind us did not touch. And yet my eyes saw nothing, not even the other man that rushed to Katrina’s side. No, all I focused on was the figure that stood before me; six foot three, brown hair blowing in the slight breeze, a gentle smile upon his lips, and those forever joyful sapphire eyes.

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