-Chapter 1-

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Narutos POV

I opened my eyes, ready to start a new day. It was exactly five thirty in the morning. I rose from my bed and opened my curtains and stared outside. The sun had just started to rise and I got to see the nice view of the sunrise on the ocean. The ocean looked beautiful today because of the sakura petals that flew into the ocean.

I backed away from my window and walked over to my closet. I grabbed clothing, which was a black suit and tie. I quickly undressed and placed my pajamas on my bed and headed to my shower.

Once in the shower, I took approximately fifteen minutes to wash, put my clothes on, grab my sword and go to the garden to pick a tomato since the king loved tomatoes and put it in my sleeve. Afterwards, I headed to up the stairs to the kings bedroom.

By the time I reached the room, it was the exact time I had to be there. I was there at exactly six o'clock. I slowly opened the bedroom door and walked in.

The king was still asleep, his soft snores echoing around the room. My dress shoes quietly creaked the floorboards. Once I had reached the bedside I gently shook the king. "Your majesty, it is time for you to wake up."  I said politely.

He grunted and went back to sleep. The king had always been hard to wake up and he did annoy me at times.

I grabbed a tomato from out of my sleeve, knowing this would work. "If you wake, I will allow you to have this tomato I just picked out of the garden. It is fresh. " I said teasingly.

The king opened his pitch black eyes that matched his hair. He sat up and I smiled at him. "Here you go, your majesty." I said giving him the tomato and bowing. "Hn." The king stated so blandly.

I went to grab his clothes, which consisted of a black button up shirt and black pants. I grabbed his crown on the way and placed them on the bed neatly beside him. I bowed and excused myself out so he could dress.

I closed the door on my way out and stood by the door. I had stared at the other maids and butlers as they worked busy as a bee. But I paid attention to the bedroom door after I heard the click of it being closed.

Sasuke, the king, had on the clothes I picked out for him. I hate to say it, but he looked very attractive. I gave him a closed eye smile and we started to walk towards the throne room.

I had the clan meet-ups and other important business that needed to be attended to written down. "Your majesty, we have business in the neighboring country, Sunagakure. About a bond between our two countries in two weeks" I said politely. "Hn. Okay, once we get to the throne room start planning and getting things ready for travel." Sasuke said in his almost emotionless voice. "Yes, at once sire." I replied.

We finally reached the throne room and I started planning. I demanded many workers to help with the packing, since I had my hands full with villagers.

One after another, villagers came in and out of the throne room. "But your majesty! My children are dying!" A villager yelled when Sasuke denied food for the man's children.

Sasuke grew irritated. "Do not raise your voice at me peasant!" He spat out, annoyed at the poor villager.

He quickly turned to me. "Naruto, escort this peasant out of the throne room." Sasuke said in annoyance.

I grabbed the peasant and he struggled in my arms." But my king! My children! Please your majesty!" The villager pleaded loudly enough for everyone for hear. I felt pity for the poor man, but orders are orders.

I walked him down the hallway and out the castle to go home. The man seeped in sorrow at the fate of his children. I let him go at the front of the gates.

He turned to go away but I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and looked at me sorrowfully. I picked out a few tomatoes that I was saving for the king, but the children need it more.

I placed the tomatoes in his hands and smiled weakly. "Give this to your family. I'm sorry it is not much, but this is all that is with me at the moment." I said "But do not tell anyone I gave you food. That is all i ask."

The man looked at me astonished and looked at the tomatoes. "Thank you so much, you are truly a hero. I am forever in your favor, selfless servant." The villager looked at me with a smile of gratitude. He then set off to his family with the food I had given him.

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