-Chapter 10-

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--Naruto's POV--

"What do you mean it was Sakura?" I asked.

"The servants had bowed down to her and let her rule the kingdom for the time that we were both gone. She was treated the same as me. Which is unacceptable because someone like her should not get the same respect as someone like me." Sasuke replied.

"That can't be all though, right?" I wondered "There's something else to it, am I correct?"

"Not only that, a servant tried to fight her but also," He paused.

He had the most disgusted face I had ever seen. He even looked a little green in the face.

"She was caught having an affair with one of the other servants. " He replied.

I felt sick to my stomach. How the hell did they even let her in his room. That is incredibly disgusting, and with one of our servants?! No wonder Kakashi was silent when he gave me the report. That is just horrible. But wait, why is she still in the kingdom.

"But she isn't banished?" I questioned.

He shook his head and stared to the side. 

"She is still needed here in the kingdom." He said.

He looked at me and I noticed something. He was blushing?! No freaking way, does he like Queen Sakura?

"Don't tell me you love her?!" I spat.

I felt... hurt? I don't understand. There's no way he likes her, right?

"No, no, no, it's not that." He insisted, "It's just, Sakura and I... nevermind."

"Nevermind? What do you mean nevermind? " I shouted.

I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. What is the meaning of this?!

"Naruto, let's have this talk another day." He demanded. 

I took a breath and sat back down. What could he possibly mean? I'm confused. After just finishing the punishment, this is what I come back to?

"I'm going back to my room, your majesty. Please excuse me." I stated, getting out of the chair.

"Naruto wait-" Sasuke said jumping up and gently grabbing my wrist.

I looked back at him over my shoulder. "Don't leave me." He said.

My heart skipped a beat and my face felt hot. Why does he make me feel this way?

"The truth is," He told me "I missed you." 

The way he looked at me made my stomach like a bunch of butterflies.

"I... missed you too." I replied looking at the ground.

He suddenly hugged me. I hugged him back. He feels really warm. Why does he make me feel like this. There's no way that I'm going to fall for him. 


I laid in my bed, heart still pounding from that stupid hug. I can't help but wonder what's going on with him and Sakura. I should relax, since my body still hurts. It seems that all I've been doing is stressing about him. Don't I still have work to do?

Perhaps it's better that I just go to sleep. Worrying can wait for tomorrow. I can't believe all this stuff has happened so quickly. I don't know how to feel. What's next, Sakura comes to visit?!

Well I laid my head to rest anyways. What's the point of worrying about tomorrow or yesterday. Maybe I'll have a nice dream, no Sakura, no Sasuke, just happy thoughts.


When I woke up, I noticed I could not move a muscle. I guess I really overdid myself. I could talk but I could not move, everything felt numb. I guess I'll wait.

And I waited for a while, until guess who walks in. His majesty! He leaned on the door frame with a cranky look.

"Care to explain why you did not wake me and had some other lowly maid wake me from my beauty sleep." Sasuke scolded.

"I apologize your majesty, but I cannot move." I replied.

He looked at me, very confused. He then walked over and checked if I was telling the truth. He looked very worried about me, it was strange. He called over a doctor to treat me. Turns out, I had exercised too much. He told me to relax for today. 

A few minutes after the doctor left, there was a knock at the door. It was Hinata, Sakura's servant. She bowed to his majesty and nervously waved at me.

"Her majesty would like to see you." Hinata stuttered.

As if she was on cue, Sakura burst in. When she saw me she sneered.

"Why are you ALWAYS near my Sasuke!" She whined.

She pouted and stomped her feet. She then latched on to Sasuke like a leech.

"Sasuke, I missed you!" Sakura cried.

Sasuke had a stone cold face. He didn't even reply to her. I was very confused, the face he had yesterday and the one he has now were completely different. I am really confused. I wish he would just tell me what is going on, I am his personal assistant, yet he won't tell me important details of his life.  

She gushed at the sight of Sasuke's cold face. It was like he could be the worst person in the world and she would still be in love with him just because of his looks. I hate how I sort of understand how she sees him. But I am not getting feelings, at all. I wish she would just leave.

"You should go, Sakura. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Sasuke demanded.

In a flash, she was gone and so was poor Hinata. I wish she'd be gone forever. I sighed in relief of getting away from her. I never understood why she hated me so much and what I could possibly do to make her stop harassing me.

"I'm sorry, Naruto." said Sasuke.

"It's fine." I responded.

"I'm not leaving you today, I don't care what things I have to deal with right now." He whispered.

It made me smile when he said that. The last thing I want to be right now is alone. I felt very happy that he would spend time with a lowly servant like me. Maybe he thinks I am like his best friend or something.

He looked at me with his dark eyes. I hate how attractive he is. He looks almost perfect. I wish he felt the way I feel about him. 

"Hey, I really appreciate all you do for me." Sasuke said.

"Oh, um, thank you, your majesty." I stammered.

"It's nothing, if anything, you should hate me." He replied.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"I'm a horrible person and you're not." He mumbled.

"I don't think so!" I retorted.

"You're so loyal." He said, moving my hair out of my face.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked. "You're acting strange."

He started laughing and looked me straight in the eye.

"Because I lo-" He said, cutting himself off "like spending time with you."

He was blushing again but I don't understand why. Maybe I'm looking too far into it. I smiled at him, my cheeks rosy.

"I like spending time with you too." I said tenderly.


I hope you enjoyed these two chapters! I am going to try my best not to leave you all in the dark for so long again! Thank you for reading.

Hi I am back I just fixed something but I am writing the next chapter right now :) stay tuned

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