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Leo was stunned.

The Ghost King has just hugged him....The prince of darkness had just hugged him....NICO DI ANGELO HAD JUST HUGGED HIM.

Leo felt his brain explode.

He stood there for a full minute comprehending what just happened. Gods, he wanted it to happen again.

Wait, this wasn't right. Why was he feeling butterflies in his stomach all of the sudden? And why did he keep thinking of Nico?......Was he getting sick?

Then Leo had the realization. At first he felt stupid, then angry at himself, then desperate. Why?

He had a crush on Nico di Angelo....

Leo wanted to explode, but he decided to ignore that thought for now.

He headed toward the engine room and sat down on his desk, he tried to work, but thoughts of Nico kept flooding his head. He ended up staring at a tiny piece of wood.....

After Leo got back to reality, he heard a sound from behind. He quickly turned around and noticed a dark form, that seemed to be cursing.

"Sorry," the son of Hades said, "but I think I broke your sphere..."

Leo looked down at Nico's feet, there was one of Leo's spheres with springs and gears sticking out of it.

"Nah, it's ok, it's not like it was working in the first place..." Leo said.

Nico nodded, he though for a moment, then said, "hey, I want to tell you something..."


"Yes, Leo, something."

Leo nodded "ok."

"Above deck"

"Why?" Leo asked, really confused. Not that he wasn't already confused.

"Because, reasons..."



A Broken Perfect Pair [Leico Story]Where stories live. Discover now