𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

Start from the beginning

A strange thing happened on their way to the restaurant. Without even knowing it, he drove past the house of the Adams family. He hadn't even noticed that he turned this way, it wasn't even the shortest way to their destination. He still remembered what the house looked like and knew where it was after being there on the twin's birthday.

He hadn't realized how long he had been staring until he saw the whole family outside, playing soccer. There were Quentin, his parents and all his younger siblings.

"Is that Quentin Adams?" a voice woke him up from his thoughts. Blinking his eyes, he remembered where he was and with who.

"Hello? Theo?" he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the whining. She just had to be one of those who insisted attention every second. The more time went by, the more he regretted asking her out. He could have gotten laid from the bar easier.

"I heard he's gay. You think that's true?" What the fuck?

"He uses make-up, what do you think?!" He knew he was being rude but for some reason, he was feeling very annoyed at her and pretty much everything. Good thing that he would have some mindblowing sex tonight.


When Theo was forced to be at the school on Monday at 7.30am, he wanted to do two things. One, go back to his bed under the warm blankets for the rest of the week and avoid people. Second, get very drunk. And he wouldn't turn down sex either, especially after being rejected by Allison last night.

Yes, that happened. She became the first girl who said no to his suggestion on going to his place at the end of the evening, telling him that he was the worst date she had ever met and that he just was a very bad company.

Alright, alright. There might be some truth in her words but for his defense, she was very boring and he just got lost in his own thoughts and pretended to listen to whatever she was talking about.

But even though the date didn't really get better by the time, he thought it wouldn't be a bad thing to have sex with her. Hell, she was quite sexy. And he was the one who asked her to spend more time with him, in the bed. Naked. Good for her. And she said no. Goddamit.

"You were so silent and distracted, you barely noticed me," she had said when they were leaving. What a shitty excuse. Or maybe she was playing hard to get? That would explain why she rejected his offer.

For a fuck's sake, who even cared? The only thing he remembered from yesterday was a girl and that they were eating and drinking. No idea what they were talking about but he must have ended the night alone based on the fact that he woke up in the bed with the same clothes he wore yesterday.

At school, he didn't think much of the date until he saw Quentin walking in the hallway, this time alone. He was frowning and staring at the floor as if he was waiting for it to swallow him. It seemed like Theo wasn't the only one who had a bad night.

That's when he remembered seeing also him playing soccer with his family when he drove by towards the restaurant.

Unlike on Saturday, he wasn't smiling now. And neither was Isaac who seemed to avoid Quentin by going to sit in the back without even glancing at Quentin who went on his seat just as quietly. Theo frowned, not understanding what was happening in front of him.

Were the two best friends fighting? The two friends who had been almost inseparable every day? He had a bad night but he knew that whatever had happened between those two must have been even worse.

And that was a fact because from what he had seen, nothing, not a single thing, had been able to stop Isaac and Quentin from speaking. They were always next to each other as if they were afraid the other one would disappear which was annoying as hell!

He was curious to know what had happened but not enough to talk to his cousin. Fuck, why was he even thinking them this much? Why had he thought so much about that red-haired boy? It started on the carnival weekend and for some fucked up reason, it still hadn't stopped. He was going crazy, that was sure.

Maybe it was all because he was sexually frustrated. He couldn't even remember when was the last time he got laid. It was all Allison's fault that he was like this. But that didn't mean why he was thinking about Quentin. He had never thought about a guy, not like this.

"Here's your pen," hearing Quentin's unfortunately familiar voice, he looked up. There he was, just two steps away from him, so close that he could almost touch him. Too close. What was wrong with him? This wasn't normal. None of this was normal.

"Shut the fuck up!" he said, pushed Quentin to the nearest locker and maybe he used too much power as he heard him groan but at that moment, he didn't care. He needed to leave and fast.

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