"Told ya she'd be friggin' happy," said Hayden. He and Kurt clinked beer cans before gulping them down.

Jake set me down and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I'm so happy, Rebecca. I just…I just can't believe it you know?" he said, wrapping his arms around me again but not letting go.

I laughed, rubbing his back, feeling too happy for him to notice the butterflies in my stomach. "You better believe it, Jake. From now on, we'll all call you Mr RUT."

The guys burst into laughter. RUT stood for RoseVille University of Technology. I felt Jake smile against my shoulder. He stood back, but with his arms still around my waist. He tilted his head to the side, looking at me.

"Dance with me," he said, smiling.

I laughed. "Jake, I'm a horrible dancer. Besides, your ankle's not fully healed yet."

At that moment, a slow song came on. I looked over Jake's shoulder to see that Kurt had switched CDs, snickering at us.

"I remember what you wore on our first day…"

Jake shrugged. "So what? I'm too happy today to care."

"You came into my life, and I thought, hey you know, this could be something…"

He started moving to the music and I had to follow him.

"And you've already got me coming undone…"

He pulled me closer to him, his hands around my waist and my arms around his neck.

"You know that it all takes my breath away…"

Our eyes were locked onto each other, and for a moment, it felt like it was only us dancing in the room.

Until he stepped on my foot of course.

"And I'm thinking, two is better than one…"

The guys snickered and teased Jake, but we laughed it off and continued dancing horribly, stepping on each other, cursing at our terrible talents, grinning stupidly at each other, but still having a great time.

When we felt like our feet could take no more, we stopped and went downstairs where Mrs Adams had prepared a scrumptious feast. I was appalled by how much the guys could eat when Mrs Adams informed me that they normally ate like elephants. Jake piled in one pizza after the other, gulping them down with coke. Kurt and Hayden seemed to compete for the-most-food-you-could-cram-into-your-mouth trophy (which didn't even exist by the way. God knows why they were competing). Leon was the only normal one, eating at his own pace. But I did count that he had eaten six slices of pizza.

Mr and Mrs Adams beamed proudly at their son. Jake's sisters called from abroad and he shouted the news to them. The scene was so happy, the joyful mood so contagious. Calls came pouring in for Jake and he had a proud grin plastered on his face for the entire evening. Jake Adams was now officially a student of the best tech university in the city.

Mrs Adams then brought out a photo album and showed us all Jake's baby pictures, much to Jake's embarrassment. We leaned over Mrs Adams in the living room, laughing at Jake in diapers.

At one point, I had noticed that Jake and Leon were missing. I decided to go look for them.

"Dude, why the hell are you asking me this?" I heard Jake's voice say angrily, and I stopped from taking another step into the kitchen.

"Just, tell me, Jake. Do you like her or not?" I heard Leon say.

My eyes widened. Who were they talking about? The door was half-closed, so they couldn't see me.

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