Chapter 6: The Underworld (Edited)

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"The Underworld is the place where you could get almost everything that you want or need. Drugs, banned computer programs, modified weaponry for terrorism, anything!"—A Store Owner in the Underworld.

I was moving fast as light in the Cyberspace, moving past the series of holographic red lights that were formed into humanoid shapes. Those were the people that were jacked into the Cyberspace, going around in this holographic blue dimension for their own purposes unknown to me.

Maybe they were going to visit an illegal drug site to order new drugs. Maybe they were attending a secret assembly of rebellious people who were sick of the unfair rule of the government. Or maybe, they were just trying to order food or whatever.

After a few seconds, I was standing in front of a skyscraper of one hundred floors. From my scouting, I learned that from the 40th floor to 100th was the base of one of the well-known Russian mafias called "Yarost'," a Russian language for "Rage."

That name was ironic to me because soon a raging anarcho-punk was going to slaughter through their base.

The Yarost' had many bases, and this one was located near the central area of the city, which showed that the Yarost' was a force to be reckoned with because even skyscrapers or apartments near the central city area were expensive.

I didn't know how they'd rented the place even though they were criminals. False identity maybe?

At the corner of my vision, there was a small and round white icon. When I touched it, a loading bar appeared in front of me. When the bar got full, it disappeared.

"Stealth mode activated." I heard the haptic chair's smooth voice speaking, and everything around me glowed brightly just for a second. Then, everything went normal. 

'Stealth mode' was a program that was enabled into my haptic chair. 'Stealth mode' granted the person who was using the modified haptic chair invisibility in the Cyberspace, basically making you completely invisible from anything in the Cyberspace.

I entered the skyscraper by just walking through the holographic blue wall and the holographic green outlines of the wires, electric cables, and etc., ignoring the security codes that covered the wall's surface.

I was now standing in the lobby of the first floor.

From 2nd to 39th floor, there were offices of tiny companies, so I had to walk up the staircase fast as light, passing by those floors.

When I reached the 40th floor, I finally started my scouting activity.

There was an elevator that started from the 1st floor and ended on the 39th floor. There was another elevator that started from the 40th floor and ended on the 100th floor. The "Yarost'" must've redesigned the elevator.

From the 40th floor to the 59th floor took care of drugs, from the 60th floor to the 79th floor took care of illegal weaponry, from the 80th floor to the 89th floor took care of kidnapped girls or young women, and from the 90th floor to the 100th floor took care business stuff.

I scouted all the floors while avoiding some security programs or mafia members that were using Cyberspace. Even though I was using the stealth mode, if I walk through other people or collide with or get scanned by the security programs, I'd get discovered. If you walk through other humans in the Cyberspace, you'd fill as if a wind had blown through you. The security programs looked like octopuses made of purple holograms and they would grab the intruder and locate his or her location. And, they had a scanner where the octopuses head should've been, scanning the fabric of Cyberspace in front of them.

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