[8] Fujiwara

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I had made sure to keep some blood from my girlfriend in a bottle and some of her hair. I'll plant this evidence in Ryota's hotel room. My hands shook as I was smearing some of the blood all over his bathroom and leaving random strands of hair there as well. I made sure to clean the blood with water so some of the residue is still leftover.

I don't know why I felt dizzy as I left his bathroom. I wanted to go back home, but found myself passing out at Ryota's.


I woke feeling a really painful stab at my backside. I instantly knew what he did to me when I slept. I glared at him. He was trying to blackmail me. Two can play at this game. I stood up to grab my bag and noticed the vodka bottle right next to my bag. I'll knock him out, and drag him back to my basement. I took a hold of it and quickly swung him in the head with it which lead to him to being knocked out.


I had to carry him on my back to make it seem like he was some drunk friend in case someone saw me. I made sure to take his essentials with me such as his wallet and cellphone. However, midway through I decided to crush his cellphone in case I could get tracked with it. When I got to my car I blindfolded him and tied his limbs together. I didn't want the chances of him waking up, and knowing where I lived.

My hands trembled as I drove. What will I do with him? Kill him? That be the most optimal idea because he has some form of blackmail against me. Then again I only crushed the cellphone, and he could have it on a usb. The thought frightened me a bit, but I ignored it.


The next day on the set I was extremely shaken. I couldn't stop thinking about Ryota in my basement. What if he escaped? I did make sure to lock up the basement and I did tie his wrist extra tight. No! The fact that he's in my house will cause an issue.

"I got to go." I told my manager. She looked rather annoyed.

"But this is the final scene."

"It's crucial. Family is sick." I grabbed my messenger bag and left.


I got home and rushed to the basement only to find Ryota still tied up. I took a breath of relief. By close inspection, I noticed he was asleep on the chair.

I went to grab some sleeping medicine and forced it down his throat which caused him to choke some, but I swung my fist hard at his head which instantly knocked him out once more.

I quickly untied him from the chair, and carried him back to my car. I had to go back to his hotel room.


I untied him completely after I cleared out his hotel room of potential evidence of that night. I will not let this loser of a man destroy my career.

I made sure he was knocked out for at least a decent amount of hours so I checked the hotel room once more. There was no usb. There was a laptop that I had took already and broke in half. I had already disposed of that. Everything seems clear.

I made sure to plant a bottle of alcohol by his hand so it looked like he passed out drunk. I had a decent plan. I won't get in trouble for this.


I got home and freshened up myself. My breathing was irregular. What kind of life am I living? I'll never go see Ryota again and I'll be fine. It's not like I would get a chance to see him anyway after I put the blame on him.

I made sure to cover my tracks perfectly. I wore gloves when handling certain objects, I made sure my real hair was always tightly compacted in the wig I wore. I did everything right. I can get away with murder if I played my cards correctly.


I waited until midnight to get dressed in my disguise again. I grabbed my car keys and started driving. I turned on the radio since the silence was driving me crazy.

I've been cheated by you and I think you know when...

So I've made up my mind, it must come to an end...

Look at me now, will I ever learn...?

I don't know how, but I suddenly lose control...

There's a fire within my soul...

I sung along to the dreaded song. It reminded me of home way too much. I chuckled a bit to myself. Brings back some sweet memories.

I watched as the streets started to become unfamiliar. There surely has to be a payphone somewhere on these abandon roads. I was actively seeking for them.

I drove for about thirty more minutes before I finally spotted a lone phone booth located under a street light. It looked oddly eerie, but it'll do.

I parked my car on the side of the road and dug in my pocket for some spare change. I inserted a coin and called the police. I took a deep breath as I heard the ringing.

"Hello, police department, what is your emergency?" The lady on the phone said.

"Hi I would like to give you an anonymous tip on the murder of Miyori Manamoto." I smirked.

"What information do you have?" She replied.

"I saw her with a man by the name of Ryota at Sunset hotel, room...3...0..3.." I didn't know if that was his room number, but I knew it was in the 300s.

"Very well. We will che-" I hung up on her before she had the chance to finish.

I quickly got back in my car and floored it out of that area. I will get away again. I always do. My hands calmed down during the drive back home. Sorry Ryota.

To Be Continued

One Night Stand (Yaoi BoyXBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora