[2] Fujiwara

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"You have been gaining weight. What did I tell you?! In order to maintain this role, you have to be a certain weight!" My manager yelled at me. She was a pain, but in the end this field of work wasn't the easiest.

"I'm going to work out. I'm going home." I grabbed my sunglasses and retreated from the dressing room.

Ring ring!

It was my girlfriend ringing me up. I rejected it. I bit down on my lower lip. It was a bad idea to date someone just as famous. You have paparazzi everywhere and if the relationship doesn't work out it's normally the guy that takes the hurtful rumors.

Ring ring!

She called again and I completely shut off my phone. This was annoying. I was unhappy. I rather be single.


"Blehg!" I shoved my fingers down my throat as all the food contents spilled out of my mouth. Tears welled up at the corner of my eyes. I always hated the feeling of vomiting, but I couldn't lose weight fast enough if I didn't.

I washed up and flopped myself on the bed. For once it was nice being in a hotel and not my own house. I looked at my cap laying next to me. There is a bar. If I wear a cap and sunglasses, surely no one will notice who I am. I am sick of being trapped and not being able to be free. Sometimes I just want to be normal.

I went in the bar and eventually met a man named Ryota. We ended up having sex, and I wasn't the proudest of it.

I couldn't sleep properly knowing what I had just done. I never even slept with anyone before this. My first time was with some random guy at a bar. I sighed and wrote a quick letter before I left the hotel room. I was ashamed beyond belief.


I came home and washed up. I was scared to turn on my cellphone knowing I would get tons of missed calls and text messages from my girlfriend.

The burning and tightening feeling in my chest was unbearable. I went to the bathroom and took out a razor blade. My hands trembled and I dropped it into the sink. I can't. I have to remain flawless to make some form of living.

I felt like shit and this hangover didn't help even the slightest. I felt my stomach turning as I ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Bleuhh!" I sighed.


I drank a ton of alcohol that night to forget my sorrows. My phone was still off. I knew my girlfriend wouldn't come over willingly since she wouldn't want to be spotted by the public. I felt somewhat at peace, but I felt weird.

I went to fetch a cigarette from the pack. I dug around my jacket pocket for my lighter, but couldn't find it. Damn it, that lighter was from my grandfather and it cost a lot since it was some dumb name brand thing. I must have left it in that man's hotel room.

I laid in bed thinking about last night. How did I let that happen? I lost my lighter too on top of that. It wouldn't hurt to just go back and look for it right? There is no way that man is still there. That hotel didn't look like one you'd stay in for more than two nights anyway.

I got up again and went to get my car keys. It probably wasn't a good idea to drive whilst drunk, but I was desperate to find my lighter. I put on a hat and sunglasses. I am so far from reality that I didn't know what was normal anymore. The world looked a little darker with the shades on, but I felt I had to hide myself.


I stood in front of the hotel and went to room 303 as remembered. I hesitantly held my hand to the door. Should I? I really didn't want to see this guy again, but that lighter was from my grandfather so I wanted to find it. I knocked on the door. Seconds later the door opened.

"Oh my it's you again!" It was the same man from before. Ryota.

"Did I leave a lighter by any chance?" I spoked softly.

"Yes." He took it out of his pocket and handed it to me. "I'm glad you left it because I wanted to see you again." He smiled.

"Thanks, but I don't want to see you anymore." I said.

He frowned. "Listen, I wasn't happy with my relationship, and I just felt we had some sort of connection. Can we at least go out for a drink again sometime?" He seemed desperate.

"Sorry. I have a girlfriend." I declined.

"Look if it's money you need, I got tons of it." He reached over to touch my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away. I don't think this man knows how much money I already make.

"I don't want money. I just don't want a relationship with a man. What happened was a mistake." I said.

He looked defeated. "Please just stay and be my friend."

"I'm sorry. I can't." I quickly backed away and ran off. I knew he wouldn't chase after me. What is up with that guy?


I got home and it was already 1 in the morning. I went to take off my shades, hat, and wig I was wearing. I slowly removed my contacts and sighed. It sucked to live two different lives.

I washed my face and jumped right into bed. I felt better that I had found my lighter, but that guy was so weird. Did he seriously want a relationship with someone he slept with for one night?

I took out the lighter and opened the top of it and saw a small slip of paper with his phone number on it. He's a slick guy. Does he actually think I will contact him? I threw the paper in the trash. I paused and looked at the trash can and decided to pick it back up.


To Be Continued

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