[4] Fujiwara

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I am a harmless fly. I just talk big, but I wouldn't actually do what I say. Ryota looked like he was about to swing at me, but he stopped.

"Sorry." He said.

"Please, can I just have my lighter? I won't speak of this ever again if you just give it back to me."

"I'm always here if you need me. I know you have my number." He took out my lighter from his pocket and placed it in my hand.

"I kept your number. It's up to me if I want to make used of it." I took the lighter.

"Let's just use each other. I know you're lonely as much as I am. I can see it."

My heart ached, but the emotions don't show on my face. "I'm not that type of person."

"Please just text me. Once?" He looked so sad I almost felt bad.

"I'll see. Maybe I'll drop by sometime. I have to go." I turned to leave the room.

I walked a clean distance and always made sure he didn't follow me. I didn't want to get attached to anyone. It wasn't for me.

I got in my car and drove. I'm so depressed. This man thinks I can cure his loneliness. How could I help another human if I'm the loneliest person on this planet. Fame is nice, but every night I just lay alone feeling like I have nothing. I would give all this money up for emotion, love, and maybe some freedom.

My family all died due to a disaster, and the ones that are alive I barely have a connection with. I got lucky to have the looks to become some famous actor.

When filming love scenes, I feel so depressed. I wish I felt that type of love, but all the girls that like me only like me for my money and fame. All the girls that like me are fake. I just found this girl to be with because we just happened to be lovers in a movie, and made it reality. However, as her fame grew, her love shrunk. I just wasn't happy anymore. I never really felt any form of love.

As my bank numbers grew, my happiness shrunk devastatingly by the day. I just work out, make myself vomit, and smoke. I drank here and there but that only served to make me worse so I don't do it as often. 

The worst part is interviews where I had to fake a smile. I had to act like I love my girlfriend. I had to act as if I got my life together. I am a puppet. I couldn't be myself. I couldn't stay frowning or emotionless.

Even so with all this negativity built up within me, I try to be the best person I can be. I've given money to anyone in need countlessly. I've spoiled my girlfriend. I never curse unless it's in film. Even so I try to be a good person, why am I still so unhappy and lonely?


I got home and finally turned on my phone. I had over a hundred messages and calls from my girlfriend. A ton of "where are you" and "I'll break this off and ruin your career."

I knew she wanted to make up some fake lie to end my career. I guess I was scared she would that I shut down. I called her and waited for a couple rings before she picked up.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She sounded furious.


"Bullshit! Your agency said you were there today for the suit thing!"

The comment made me realize how I came face to face with Ryota today and he didn't recognized me. Thank god.

"I'm not feeling well."

"I want to end this relationship. We clearly don't love each other. Is there someone else?"

"No." I said sadly.

"Well that's too bad." She said.


"Because you haven't been answering my calls, I just assumed you cheated."

My heart dropped. "I'm coming over."

"Oh now you want to come?! Make it quick because I can't stand you."


I drove up to her place and she lets me in. I grabbed her shoulders. "Please don't end this relationship. I beg of you." I pleaded.

The look of disgust on her face grew and she tried to pry me off. "I am a model. You know how many guys would answer my calls? You ungrateful shit!"

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

She slapped me hard. I grabbed her hand as she struggled with me. "Let me go you useless cunt!"

"Relax." I said calmly as I held her wrists tight.

"No! You completely blew me off and expect me to be okay with this?!" Her rage only heightened as she tried to hit me some more.

"I'm sorry. This isn't even a real relationship. We just use each other for fame." I felt the sting in my heart as I spoke that aloud.

Her eyes widened with rage as she screams. "You are good for nothing! You got everyone fooled by your looks, but you're the pussy! I feel like the man here contacting your bitch ass all the time! What kind of shitty boyfriend are you?! I've cheated so many fucking times it isn't even funny anymore! You dense bitch! We've been together for three years and you are still a virgin!"

I bit my lip realizing the last part was wrong. "Why does that matter?"

"You are the shittiest boyfriend ever! You're only good to show off to friends!" She struggled more.

"And you are better?" I said as I felt my agitation rising.

"Then end it! I don't need you like how your family didn't!" She tried to swing at me and I was getting fed up. I was stronger and she looked rather silly trying to compete.

"Whatever." I released her wrists. I slowly watched as her body fell backwards. I didn't noticed but she was trying to pull away as I released her. It was like a movie in slow motion. She fell, and hit her head at the edge of the coffee table.

"Hey!" I went to shake her, but her body was lifeless. I quickly went to see if she had a pulse. There was none...

To Be Continued

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