Chapter 1 - Leaving Ireland

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Chapter 1 - Leaving Ireland

I sighed as Katy my best friend picked my red curly hair up into a messy bun. She sniffled while putting little emerald clips that matched my eyes into my hair.
She walked around the front of me and I could see tears barely overflowing from her eyes. My own eyes filled and she hissed at me. "Oh no you don't! You will not ruin your makeup!!!" She told me and I smiled as she applied  a natural looking red to my lips.

my mothers last wish was for me to go to America to live with her birth pack. Three months previously both of my parents died in a rogue attack. When my mother was 19 she met my father, her mate. who was on a business trip from Ireland.
She went home with him and lived in Ireland ever since. But now that they were gone... My legal guardians were my mothers parents who still lived in America.
After my long flight I would be attending my welcome party. Katy's last gift to me was this amazing makeover.

"Six months." Katy said and I looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Six months and I was planning on going to America for school anyways." Katy told me and my heart clenched painfully. How could I possibly live without her for half of a year?!

She pat my face as she looked at the time. "Go on, and don't forget your suitcase! I packed you all of your favorite clothes and will be mailing you the rest." She told me. I stood up and hugged her tightly. She began sobbing and it took all I had not to do the same.

"Your not aloud to cry if I'm not." I told her making her laugh although it sounded thick because of the lump that had grown in her throat.
I pulled away staring at her for another moment before I turned away stepping lightly down the stairs. No words were needed, we both were terrible at good byes anyways.

I stepped out into the harsh rainy weather, I pulled my favorite coat from the hooks beside the door and looked at my mother and fathers coats. I bit my lip shaking my head as I put the coat on. I stepped out into the biting rain and quickly wheeled my suitcase to my prized Shelby Mustang... The last gift my father had ever gotten me.

I turned the key in the ignition and it started up with an attractive purr. I pulled out of the courtyard and started down the long winding road that would take me into town. From there I would bring my car to be shipped to America while I boarded my plane.

I walked through the seats of the plain until I reached a door in the back. I slid my gold card over the scanner and the door opened to a private room.
My father had owned an international airline, so I had access to basically the v.i.p section. my uncle had inherited everything it all belonged to him, with the exception of me always being provided whatever money I asked for. My uncle was waiting for me with a sad smile and hollow looking eyes.

I stumbled up to him and he embraced me rocking from side to side. Somehow me leaving seemed to make it sink in that they were really gone.
"I will come to visit you whenever I am in America." He said his voice hoarse. I nodded my head those stubborn tears I refused to let fall appeared again.

"I love you Uncle Danny." I said. He leaned down kissing my cheek.

"I love you to doll, you go and show those Americans how we Irish like to do things." He told me getting some of his spirit back. I nodded my head and hugged him one last time as the plane was getting ready depart.
He nodded his head to me briskly before walking out the door. As soon as he was gone a wave of greif washed over me. "How am I supposed to do this alone?" I asked out load, of course I got no answer making me feel extremely alone.

The plane took off the rain sheeting the window making everything outside a blur. I made my way to the recliner chairs and laid back in one.
Sleep quickly consumed me.

When I woke there was no rain outside, just a completely clear sky a spectrum of colors as the sun was setting. I looked at the time and saw it read 5:13 P.M. the time difference made me feel like I had been sleeping for a full 24 hours as my plane had departed home at 5:00 P.M.

The plane landed soon after that and my Uncle's personal attendant showed me off of the plane. I looked around the airport. it was so packed with people it made me feel claustrophobic. The only place in Ireland that ever had this many people packed into it were the pubs.
I scanned the crowd until I caught sight of two elderly people holding up a sign that read Rain Hanson. I made my way over there and the women pulled me into a suffocating hug as soon as she saw me.

"Oh you look so much like your mother!" She exclaimed. It was true, the only thing I inherited from my father was my red hair and green eyes. Other then that I was identical to my mother, High cheekbones, pert nose, full ruby colored lips, flawless skin, and an hourglass shaped figure.

I smiled at the women. "You must be Claudia." I said making the women snort.

"Please you are my only child's daughter! Call me Gran." She scolded. The man who was with her cleared his throat grabbing our attention.

"Welcome to America, we have a three hour drive ahead of us. Your party starts in two." He said. His wife tsked about to rip him a new one when I nodded in agreement.

"You are right, it would be rude to keep everyone waiting." I said. The old man smiled at my manners and led me to their car. I put my suitcase in the trunk and got into the back.

An hour into our drive we had left town behind and I gulped looking around. The green trees towering me on every side made me realize how diffrent this place was from my home.
I was used to barren planes and rocky cliffs... These trees and rolling hills were foreign to me. I laid my head against the cool glass and stared out the window. I saw two deer frolicking through the woods making me smile. This place couldn't be so bad.

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