Chapter 1: Sliding Doors

Start from the beginning

With a sickening jolt, Anakin realized he was alone with his knowledge, utterly alone. There was no one he could tell. Any other time, he would have told Palpatine. The empty place where their friendship had been ached like a wound in his heart.

He stood, desolate, heaving.

Padme. He would go to Padme's. He couldn't tell her, and she couldn't help, but she would be there.

At least she would be there.


Threepio would not let him in. "Master Anakin. Miss Padme is in a very important meeting and left orders that she should not be disturbed."

Anakin fought the urge to Force-twist the droid's shiny metallic head right off of his body.

"Threepio. Announce me."

Threepio's servos whirred as the droid retreated to Padme's sitting room.

"Senator Amidala. Please forgive the interruption --" Threepio's voice lowered to an indistinct murmur.

"Um --" His wife's sense strummed and jangled in the Force. "Tell him half an hour, Threepio. Half an hour."

Another voice, older, patrician. Anakin knew he recognized it, but from where?

"Half an hour?" the voice said. "Senator Amidala, I know you're uncomfortable with this, but we do need more than half an hour."

Who was that? And yes, Padme was uncomfortable, but a part of that was personal, Anakin sensed in the Force, and directed at the speaker. Anakin closed his eyes and probed at his wife's thoughts.

And got a quick image, as it was sometimes possible for him to do with Padme. Queen Amidala addressing the Senate, Palpatine at her side, and the man at the podium --

What was former Chancellor Valorum doing in Padme's living room?

His wife felt flustered to him, in the Force. "Gentlemen -- and ladies -- I'm sorry," she said. "Tell him -- an hour and a half? Threepio, thank you."

Valorum's voice continued. "As most of you know, my wife worked for the current Chancellor for a number of years. She has expressed some concerns to me, and I thought they were good ones. Your Graces, if she may speak, I think she could more effectively explain these issues herself."

A murmuring arose from the sitting room, and someone said, "Lady Valorum." Threepio came clicking and whirring back into view.

"Master Anakin, Miss Padme has requested that --"

"I know, Threepio, I heard."

A woman's voice spoke. "Gentlebeings. Most of you know me, because I've worked for you, too. Terr. Bail. You know that I know Palpatine, and I have to say that I don't think your approach here is going to get you the results you want."

Something in Valorum leaped out at Anakin in the Force, and with a sudden movement he reached behind Threepio for the off switch.

"Master Anakin, you will have to --"

Silence. Anakin stepped in and let the door close behind him, listening, trying to trace what he sensed in the former Chancellor to its source.

Senator Mon Mothma: "I hope you aren't suggesting we do nothing. Chancellor Palpatine has entirely too much power. If the two of you are disagreeing with that, I don't see how anything you might contribute could possibly be useful."

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