Chapter 9-Rita

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*Logan's POV*

"You have to beat him up Logan. He hit me with an ice cream cone!" Penelope exclaimed now jumping down with fury. "You have to hurt him!"

But my mind was roaming. I stopped breathing when Rita started waving at me. I dropped my eyes and focused on my little sister. "You want me to hurt Milo?"

"And that will never happen Penelope. You will never have a guy like you if you're just going to be mean to him" Mason interrupted attempting to wipe the ice cream off her cheek. She moved her face and frowned; face getting hot and I knew she was about to burst into tears "I wasn't mean, he wanted to hang with these boys and tried to leave me all alone"

I raised an eyebrow "he ditched you?"

Mason elbowed me "is it the end of the world? Milo isn't allowed to have friends?" I could see his cold response angered my sister "but he hit me in front of them, and they all laughed!"

Mason's face soon dropped. "Where is he?"

She wiped her tears and pointed to the far left. We followed and spotted Milo with a group of three boys his age. They surrounded our mothers, laughing and giggling.

I'm not the type to jump to conclusions, so I let out a breath and asked "what did you say to Milo to make him hit you?"

She sniffed gesturing for me to pick her up. In which I did. "I said his friends were ugly" she gave me a guilty pout "I didn't lie, they are all ugly. I hate boys"

Mason couldn't hide his laughter. For a second I thought he was laughing at Penelope's comment but when he nodded forward, I spotted Rita and her scrawny friend making there way to us. "This is going to be interesting" Mason let out.

"Shut up!" I hissed. I left him standing there as I tried so hard to avoid Rita. I didn't want those feelings to rush back, I had to be honest with myself. She couldn't just come back in my life and pretend everything is okay. Knowing her, she would probably do just that. I was too in love with Lilly to hurt her. I didn't want to start now.

"Hey wait up" Mason said. I could feel his hard stomps on the ground. Penelope's grip on my neck only tightened as we all witnessed Milo and his group of friends start walking towards us. From a distance they looked like Milo's age. But one of them had to be a teenager, looked about two years older then Penelope, with his ginger face and sandy red hair.

Once Milo spotted us, he was hesitating on walking any further. "Come here" I demanded dropping Penelope. He and his group now joined us. "Do you have something to say to Penelope? It's not right to hit a female" I lectured. "She's a female?" One of the boys joked. My eyes blazed as it met with the small, dark haired, four eyed loser. When he saw my face he quickly apologized. Penelope rolled her eyes

Milo quietly apologized "I didn't mean to, she was calling my friends names" he looked genuinely apologetic "I can buy another ice cream cone for you" he said acknowledging my sister. She reacted by kicking sand at his feet. "Screw you!"

"Hey! Be nice! Penelope!" Mason yelled.

Milo looked like he was about to cry, so I allowed him and his friends to go and play. Penelope can be very dominant, and even Milo had his limits. But still, I needed to wait until he was alone to talk to him. Hitting a woman was a big No for me. I didn't want it to start, especially at his age.

Mason started to lecture my little sister about how she needed to treat Milo with respect. I blanked out when I heard one of little boys say something sexual about my sister, Lilly and Mother.

The stupid geeky red head

"I bet once she gets older, she's going to look pretty sexy" he said. It had Milo stop in his stance "what?"

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