Beck is Becky? He is a She?

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Oh lol, would you look at that! Another time jump!

Three months later...

I wake up and insanely grab my now semi-noticeable baby bump.

"Still there" I sigh in relief

"Mama" the now walking one-year-old bursts into my room and demands for my attention

"Wheres Bebe" she frowns trying to climb up into my bed

"In my belly!" I giggle lifting her up

"When Bebe come" she taps my stomach and looks me in the eyes

"Around Christmas Lovey" I smile and pull her in for a sweet nose kiss

Ever since Bradley and Lea moved in I've treated her like my own. On her legal papers, it does say her mom is her mom, but in her heart, she's still missing that one person. I decided to step up and be her new mother.

After I told Bradley I was pregnant his personality has changed a lot. At first, he was always there making breakfast and getting me things. Now he's still just as good, but always is going out with his friend Beck. I've never met him but they're apparently really close.

He said Beck doesn't want to meet me because he'd be intimidated, so Bradley usually goes out and spends late nights with him at games and stuff.

"Dada said Beck makes him happy" she frowned (okay I know one year's olds can't talk like this, but It needed to be said)

"Why are you frowning? You should be happy that dad has friends" I lightly grab at her dimples

"Because mama supposed to make Dada happy"

"I do" I paused, "I thought I did" I tried to remember the last time Bradley and I had quality time.

Lea slowly pushed herself off the bed and walked out of my room.

The mornings that used to smell like pancakes and fruit now smells like leftover coffee. Maybe Bradley was spending way to much time with this friend instead of being here for his family.

I head out the door following Lea and help her down the stairs. When I get down there I see Bradley sleeping on the couch, in last nights clothes, and the piggies surrounding him.

I look at him closer and something seemed off. Like he was too embarrassed to come upstairs last night so he slept down here to avoid me. I ignored the gut feeling and went into my kitchen. Since now that Lea sleeps in by the time we wake up and get downstairs it's lunch.

I throw together a garden salad and fresh lemonade and set plates on the wooden table. Lea was playing with all of the plastic cookie cutters and humming to lullabies.

It didn't take long to hear the familiar voice to call out asking where I was.

"I'm in the kitchen" I responded.

He trailed in looking like a hot mess.

"Late night?"

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