Why me?

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(Edited 5.19.19)

  I've made many mistakes in my life, but falling in love with Stefani was not one of them. I shouldn't even be admitting that and I probably will be regretting even thinking about this sooner or later. I am supposed to be in love with Irina. I am supposed to propose to her this month.

How come all of the things we are supposed to do we don't want to, but the things we shouldn't be doing are the top priority?

I used to love Irina with all of my heart. We had a future planned out together and it was every living person dream. That was until one night laying in probe got the phone call of a lifetime. I was asked if I wanted to be the director of the fourth A Star is Born. At first, I thought that it would insane and that nobody would want to see an old movie get redone for the fourth time and let alone trying to top the original, but once I realized it wasn't so insane I got to work.

Weeks and weeks of figuring out all the little details of where filming would take place and how many casting calls I would need to make and put together I had one major problem. Who will be the leads? The production is my child and I can't give it to some basic B-Class actor that only stars in films for the money. The lead role had to be grand and they had to take this piece of art and turn it into something bigger than what is written down on paper.

I took the male part.

I needed a female to play alongside me and after weeks of going through headshots and personal backgrounds nobody seemed like they were perfect to play my love interest and soul mate, Ally, until one day on a hot afternoon in sunny, southern California after a long drive when I heard a special song come through my brand new Range Rover's speakers.

It wasn't the first time I've heard Lady Gaga's voice. Once I went to a cancer banquet and watched her perform this beautiful French song. For some reason this time at this moment I just had a connection:


The sun was that beautiful golden and pink on the horizon. Something out of a movie that makes you swoon over how incredible it is.

"93 degrees at 7 pm in June? The summer is just getting started!!" I laughed turning to my beautiful girlfriend who sat peacefully beside me.

"We are leaving for New York in just a few days so don't get too happy" she giggled

"Ughhhhh for once I am actually in love with California and now we have to go all the way back to the east coast?"

"Come on! You love it there!"

"Loved.." I said grabbing the steering wheel tighter

"Just because that one guy decided to throw a hotdog at you doesn't mean you have to hate the city!" She laughed

"Baby come on! I was having an amazing hair day and my confidence was so high!" I sighed then broke out into a fit of laughter

I took my eyes off the road from a few seconds to stare into her gorgeous eyes.

"I love you," I said taking one last look before returning my eyes to the road

"I know" her response was simple and not what I was looking for.

The car grew silent as we proceeded on driving to our older villa about thirty-five minutes away. The hardest part about getting to our house is that the route we have to take that takes us straight through the highest population of homeless people in our city.

The Woman Dividing |GagaxCooperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon