She found WHAT

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                        (Edited 5.20.19)

The car ride was long and uneventful. The driver, Jim-Bob, made light conversation about his kids going off to college. Me being the person I am tried to sound interested while slowly wishing I had walked home. I normally don't care about who drives me. I used to drive myself places but now that I have Irina in my life she prefers I have a designated driver for my safety. Driving was my escape from this life. Behind the wheel, I feel like a normal person. When I do drive it's usually when Irina and I go on mini road trips. That's because I tell her that having a driver on a detour isn't necessary.

Having nobody know who you are when driving makes it so much better when you're in a Hollywood celebrity's position. It's time to relax and think about your life. It's like Yoga, but a bit less tricky.

When we finally arrive at the gates of Hell... I mean the house I bought and Irina moved into, I was greeted by black SUVs of Irina's assistants and crew. Sometimes I wish that I hadn't told her to go all in for her modeling career. I want to be a supportive boyfriend, but having people constantly walking in and out of my house while I am in pajamas all day gets a little frustrating.

I thank the driver and exit the tall vehicle. The walk up to the front door was quick and annoying.

"These bushes got to go" I kick the one leaning slightly over the pathway making the smallest inconvenience. I instantly regretted doing that since all three of my gardeners were staring me down as I continued walking to the door

I found myself in the foyer with people walking around me quickly trying to get into different rooms of the house. Making little effort to find Irina, I grab a water from the fridge and run up the kitchen stairs into my man cave loft. I hear Jennie (Irina's head assistant/Manager) walk into the kitchen. She had to be on the phone since only one voice was speaking and it sounded like a conversation that was meant for important people.

"Yes! She's upstairs in her bedroom getting oiled up she'll be down in five seconds........ The bump will be photoshopped out.......... She wants only Vogue to have their hands on the pictures......... Yes and give it a juicy side title like 'She found WHAT out about Bradley'" the more Jennie talked the more I wanted to come down from the room. When I heard her say goodbye I thought the room was clear to come down too.

Wrong. Not only Jennie was in there now, but so was Irina basically naked with only underwear and nipple patches on.

"Brad! You are home!" She smiled reaching in for a hug

Bradley being very uncomfortable with her "outfit" proceeded to give her a hug back when all he could think was of the bump of his soon to be a child.

"Can we talk?" I whispered into her ear

She pulled away and looked at me confused and afraid.

"Later.." she mouthed to him before turning away and leaving with Jennie following.

My clothes were covered in oil and as I went upstairs my mind decided to start spinning.

Her pregnancy bump was barely there, but now that he knows it exists it's all I can see. This child was going to be the end of Me.

That night...

Irina was working all day on a photo shoot. By the time she was done Bradley was already in bed watching tv trying to fall asleep.

"Brad?" Irina's tired voice called through the dark Master bedroom


"You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah" I repeated myself

"Talk.." She sounded ready to argue

"I am an asshole" I started

"Yeah" her voice soft almost scared

"I found out about our child today" I refused to look at her

"Congrats. Who told you?"

"That doesn't matter... I was the idiot who ignored you when you were trying to tell me" I stared at the wall

"You were drunk. Drunk for a long time" I turned to her after hearing her voice let up "For a while, I thought you were doing method for your role, but then I realized you were just turning into Maxim" a tear streamed down her face

"...Jackson" my reply was quick and a little aggressive

"You get what I mean" she wiped the stream off her cheek "Please don't be him. I want you here sober with Lea and I" her voice begging

"Who is Lea?"

"Our baby?" She asked perplexed

"So you named her without me?" My face turned red in anger

"Oh come on Brad! What were your name ideas? Gin? Rum? Tequila? Those had to be your top three... oh wait Whiskey would be your number one"

"Irina shut the hell up" I yelled "you don't get it to do you? Your life is so perfect with the millions of followers and the perfect profile" I paused

"You don't even know what you are talking about.. you're a drunk" she spits

The fight that's been brewing for months finally approached

"fourteen fucking years I stayed away for the one thing I considered my backbone, and because of you I pushed it back in and fell right back into that habit!" I yelled

"Done blame it one me! You're probably too drunk right now you can't think straight

"I am one hundred percent sober right now" I yelled once again

"Are you? The sober Brad would never yell at me!" She yelled back

"My name is Bradley!" My voice getting louder as I got out of my bed

"I know!"

"Stop calling me Brad! Only one person is allowed to call me by that name and they are dead!" My voice choked on the dead part

"I'm sorry" she quickly apologized

"Maybe we go into this too fast" I faced the door

Although I wasn't facing her I knew she walked up behind me "What are we arguing about Brad..ley?"

"This isn't the lifestyle I want.. I don't want constant people working around my schedule or yours. I don't want kids that I can't care for, and I most certainly don't want a girlfriend that has to live a perfect life" I said it. No going back now

I can hear the pain in her breathing. She remains silent for her own good.

"I drink to forget but I always remember" I whisper. I turn towards her seeing the saddest face she's ever had

"I loved you Irina so much. I wish I could still love you, but it's just not the same anymore" my voice was now shaking

"There's someone else." Her words sharp


"It's her" we both knew who she was talking about without saying her name.


"Yes" she spits back

"I'm going to sleep on the couch" I looked at the clock

"We will finish this another day" She sat down on the bed

"Okay" I whispered under my breath

[Sorry this chapter is written like a second grader :( I wanted them to have a fight where she confronts him, but I honestly didn't know what to make the fight about... I promise as time goes on the chapters will be better]

The Woman Dividing |GagaxCooperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ