twentytwo; yikes. [TW]

Start from the beginning

"To hell I was. The space to walk is quite big for-"

"Like I said, I'm sorry." Cutting Jongin off and started to walk away towards her table at the other side of the room. Glaring at the person's backside, he adjusted the suit he was wearing and cleared his throat. "Like I was saying, I called you out on this date because... I want you back, Jen." Jennie was surprised by this but let Jongin continue. "I made a mistake that day, I realized that and I shouldn't have cheated on you. That woman... she- she seduced me, Jen. You have to believe me. As a man, it was difficult for me to resist and- and I was lonely! You were busy with your teachings and I had needs. But I'm back now and I'm ready to make things right. Would you give me the chance Jen?" Jennie was speechless nonetheless, how could she not when he straight up cheated on her on their third month anniversary? The motherfucking audacity. She took a deep breath trying to process the information.

Jennie gave him a sweet smile and caressed Jongin's hand across the table. "I would like to think about it first. It's hard for me to trust you again, Jongin. You broke my heart and you can't just expect me to forgive you that quickly, okay?" Jongin unsatisfied by this but nodded still. "As you wish, I still want you, Jen. I hope you know that." He puffed his chest and lifted his glass. "To new beginnings." Jennie raised her glass as well, "And to new endings." She smiled devilishly but was left unnoticed by Jongin. They clinked their glasses and drank, Jennie had her eyes on Jongin the whole time wanting to see any changes to his expression. Once Jongin stopped drinking he shook his head, "Ooof... that's some strong Champagne don't you think?" He chuckled and Jennie followed suit.

When their food arrived, they chatted like old times. Jongin made an effort to make jokes, Jennie would laugh like it was the funniest thing he ever said. "Have you met anyone after we broke up?" Daring to ask her. She quirked her eyebrow and chuckled lowly. "I did, but I guess things don't usually work out." She smiled bitterly while Jongin tried to look empathic but failed as he was satisfied by this. "Oh... that's too bad. You're a... nice woman. Who obviously deserves a great man." Jennie scoffed at this and took a sip of her champagne. "What? You disagree?" Jongin asked her with a challenging smile. Licking her bottom lip, "I never said I was disagreeing, but remember who wants who back here. Besides I can have anyone, even a woman." Playfully threatening him with the knife she was holding. "Of course. I'm sorry, yes that's true. Love is.. love." Clenching his jaw silently. Jennie nodded and continued cutting her food. Looking at the knife she was holding she slowly she drifted off unconsciously into a memory.


Giggles can be heard around the younger's house late at night. The house was dark, lights were closed downstairs as the two lovebirds were cozied up in Chaeyoung's room. Only a couple of candles were lit up and placed around the room. "What are you talking about? My eyes are closed, see see!" Jennie covered her eyes with her fingers but Chaeyoung was no fool. She can clearly see the woman peeking through her fingers even in the dark. "Nope! Liar, you are not. I can see your eye and you are definitely looking at me!"

They laughed at each other, Jennie had rolled around on Chaeyoung's bed as the girl was standing at the foot of the bed, a surprise gift behind her in her hands. Chaeyoung was stomping her foot trying to contain her laughter and smile. "Come on! Just do it please or I won't give it to you." Threatening the woman and giving her, her best stern face. Jennie only giggled and rolled her eyes, "Yeah right. We both know you'll give it to me eventually." Chaeyoung sighed and looked at Jennie with a defeated smile.

The girl had got on the bed with Jennie and hugged her. Body on top of Jennie and gift up high, not letting Jennie have it yet. Jennie pouted and looked at Chaeyoung confusingly before she finally understood what the girl wanted. Cupping Chaeyoung's face, she went in for a soft kiss and could feel the younger's lips formed into a tiny satisfied smile. Finally Chaeyoung handed the boxed gift to Jennie while she showered jennie with kisses on her dumpling cheeks. "You spoil me too much." Jennie giggled, one arm wrapped around her big hubby and the other was holding her gift. "I know." Burying her face in the crook of Jennie's neck as she watched Jennie open her gift.

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