chapter twelve; crave.

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[releasing this fast because i love this chapter, this is how i wanted chae to potray when i first planned this story]

[Jennie's POV]

I can't believe her! Ugh no Jennie, don't get hung up on her. Joohyun's right, going on a date was a good idea.


"IM SORRY IT JUST HAPPENED!" Joohyun pinching her nose bridge clearly disappointed at me. "AND MAYBE - just maybe, I have feelings for her too." Scoffing at me, "Jen, feelings? FEELINGS? THIS KID IS CRAZY. From what you explained she basically forced you to have sex!"

"Okay wait- don't blame her on this okay. She was - she was vulnerable. And I was there!" I defended her. How could I not? I care about her so much. "Um hello, you dumb hoe, you said that you didn't wanted it but then she persuaded you didn't she!" stating a matter of fact. "Yeah but.. I sort of wanted it to happen....." Joohyun's mouth was wide open at the confession. "You're crazy. You know what you really need?" taking out her phone.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "What? And if you say pills, Joohyun-unnie I swear to god - "

"Ass. You need some fresh ass and I got you covered." Typing something into her phone as I looked at her ridiculously.

" His name is Bobby, my second cousin twice removed and he's a really really nice guy. He's a HR manager, stable job and hate to admit, he has a nice ass." We laughed as she showed me his pictures on Instagram. Actually he wasn't that bad looking, a little scruffy but he has a gentle smile. "Come on Jennie, are you seriously going for her? You know how kids are these days. Once you're old, they won't even spare a glance at you. She's probably toying with you, Jen." I bit my lip as I listened to her.

She does make some good point.. Maybe Chaeyoung only wants me now but when I'm old and wrinkly she'd probably leave me for some other super model with a Victoria Secret body. Saddened by this thought I pouted. "I - I don't know Joohyun-unnie. What if you're wrong!? What if what we're having is real?"

"And what if I'm right? Just give it a try. At least if you get your heartbroken, Bobby will be your back up plan." Scoffing at her idea. "You know he's your cousin right? You're talking as if he's a toy." She just shrugged her shoulders. "Meh, he's twice removed. I don't really see him as family anyway but he's decent enough."

She sent me his phone number. "Give him a call." I smiled at her. "Okay... thanks Unnie."

[End Flashback]

The date ended okay excluding the part where I saw Chaeyoung get smothered by that - by that - "UGHHHHHH" I heard a buzzing from my phone. Walking to my purse, I took it out and read who called.

[Chaeyoungie<3 is calling.....]

Scoffing at this. "Oh so you have a girlfriend now but you're still searching for me? Please." I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone on the nightstand as I drowned myself in the bed. Great, I can't believe I'm getting my heart broken by my 17-year-old neighbour. My heart clenched as I remembered how that girl was leaving kisses on MY Chaeyoungie's face. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT TWO TIMER JUST SAT THERE AND LET HER. I feel my eyes start to water, wiping them away as I buried my face into my pillow.

She's been calling me non-stop for the past few hours now and there's no sign of her giving up. Drowning myself in sorrow as I flicked through the choices on Netflix. It might be immature of me but what do you expect when you've gotten yourself cheated on twice! I mean, not like Chaeyoung and I were in a relationship but it felt like we were almost there. I stuffed myself with Vanilla flavoured ice cream as I cried, even though the movie was a Rom-Com but I just couldn't help it. My phone dinged notifying me of a new message popped up. It was probably Chaeyoung, I shouldn't look at it because I was still hurt by her. However, I grabbed it anyways out of curiosity and wanting to see how she'd make up for what happened. Sadly it wasn't from the one person I wanted the most to message me (Even if she's left me 67 missed calls that I'm evidently avoiding.), it was from Bobby. I groaned as I opened his message;

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