Eisel at the Ball

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[Picture of Eisel's dress above-just the dress]



Can't fight this feeling - REO speedwagon


😘 The 😍
😈 Ball 💩
😄 Table 📖



Everyone is eating while David contemplates whether to start up conversation with Eisel or not.

Well i didn't sit next to Lilliana for nothing.. i guess it was the only way i could have sat next to Eisel.. He thinks. ..but Lilliana is like a wacko firework.. You accidentally lit it, and it scares the hell out of you when it goes off.

David finally decides that he wants to make sitting next to Lilliana worth while.

"Eisel" he says looking at her(she's on his right)

"Wassup David?" she says, putting down her fork and patting her mouth with her fancy napkin.

"Why do you seem like such a natural to this type of thing?" he asks.

She hesitates. "uhh.. well, um.." she starts trying to find the right words. "I-I used to win metals. You see, Me and my mom were a team.. for-" she lowers her voice. "beauty pageants." She slightly grimaces.

"You did beauty pageants??" David whisper yells.

She nods and fiddles with her napkin.

"That explains your excellent posture!" David exclaims.

Eisel laughs, and looks back over at David. "yeah, well, from 3 years old to 9. Those years 'oughtta have taught me something that would have stuck."

"Why'd you stop?" David asks, curious for the answer.

She goes back to fiddling with her napkin.

She doesn't answer for a while, until she finally decides to say something. "the team split up, i guess." she says.

"Your mom left??" David asks, completely confused.

Eisel stops what she was doing and looks up at David with a scowl.

"She died."

After the words had settled, she excuses herself from the table and jogged away.

Eisel feels the waterworks coming, and takes off in a sprint trying to reach the doors.

She doesn't even notice Lilliana chasing after her.

"Eisel!" Lilly yells once they are both outside.

Eisel turns toward Lilly. "I-I.. I can't do this." She says as she starts to sob.

"You can." Lilliana says, pulling Eisel into a tight hug. "you are a strong, powerful, brave woman that your mom would be more than proud to call her daughter."

Eisel nods and wipes the tears from her face.

"It only for one night." Lilliana says, as Eisel nods. "you can do this."

They walk back into the ballroom trying to relax.

Eisel sits down in her spot as Lilliana gives David the stink-eye, then turns away from him.

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