Family Visits (Eisel) PART 2

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[Picture of Eisel's Brother, Carson above.]



"They're here." Eisel says.

I groan loudly.

"WILFRED." Todrick calls from the kitchen.

Wilfred rolls his eyes and turns back towards the door.

I hear some chatter by the door. no doubt, Wilfred talking to the boys about Todrick's demands.

I turn to Will. "why were they even invited anyway?"

Will grimaces. "they're.. family."

"Annoying family who can't take anything seriously." Eisel mutters under her breath.

I crack a smile and prepare for the worst.

Carson walks into the living room, he tosses me a cheeky grin. "Hey guys!" Logan walks in right after him. "Hey."

"C. L." Eisel acknowleged.

The rest of us just kind of chin nod.

Really, in all honesty, Logan isn't that bad.

He's a straight A+ student, loyal, and pretty much a genius. he could've skipped two grades, but he said,-get this-"twins have to stay together".

There's that loyalty i was talking about. Dont get me wrong, hes is not the pushover-type loyal. But he's just not like Carson. Carson's a definite Slytherin. He causes trouble and saves his own skin.. except with Logan. they're as thick as theives.

Carson drags Logan into trouble, and Logan comes up an ingenious plan to carry out. They never get caught, but everyone knows its them.

Logan looks at the floor. "Is.. Uh.. Caitlin here yet?"

Eisel, Lilliana and I share glances.

"Not yet." Said Eisel, turning back to him.

Logan nods.

Welllll that wasn't awkward at all!

Will coughs awkwardly.

"Well im gonna grab my bags." Carson walks away. Logan shuffles after him.

"Oookkay." Zoe mumbles.

Yeah, that was pretty awk.


After the boys had settled in, everyone dispersed.

Zoe and i were left alone.

I glance at her. "soo, hey."

She turns and smiles at me. "hey."

"..The wedding huh."

Her smile fades a little bit. "Yeah."

"Whats wrong?" I ask. over these past few weeks i've really been getting close to her.. she's really cool.

"I'm going solo." she looks at the ground, with a sad smile on her face.

"Same. but we can make the best of it, right?"

She looks up at me, an idea clear in her dark brown eyes.

"We can go together?" I guessed.

She tilts her head ever-so-slightly. "do you want to go with me?"

I feel as though i cant speak correct english. so i go with another language. "Oui."


Crushed it.

She laughs and gets up from the floor where we were sitting. "its a date then." and walks away.


Omg, im so sorry that this took so dang long, i've been really busy lately and stuff but hey, you dont want my excuses, you want my story. (hopefully)


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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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