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[Picture attached is of Mackenna Grace]

"Go put a shirt on, guys!" Will tells them.

"Wahyy??" Dana asks. "you know Lilly don't mind.." Dana wiggles his eyebrows, and fist-bumps Gabe.

"Shut it," Will laughs, "she's inviting friends over."

"Lilly has friends?" Gabe asks. "just kidding!"

"Who are they?" David asks. "How many?"

"I don't know, and two of them." Will says.


"I hope those boys don't screw up my friends." Lilly whispers to Will as the boys grabbed shirts from upstairs.

"I hope so too." Will responds with a sigh.


"They're here." Lily says taking a deep breath. And starting toward the door

They hear the sound of feet thundering, someone stumbling, tripping and falling. Then a loud crash.

"Did you break something?" Will yells.

"... Sorry!" David answers.

The rest of the boys run down the stairs and answer the door.

When they open the door they see the classic white girl:

Blonde hair wrapped into a messy bun, PINK sweatshirt, yoga pants, UGG boots, Waterbug sunglasses.. not to mention, The STARBUCKS.

"Im Lilly's friend." she says, taking a sip of her Frappichino.

All three of them just stare.

"You gonna let me in..?" she pauses. *clicks tongue* "or nahh?"

"Oh! yeah. sure." they all mumble, and step aside.

She walks in with her hips swinging as she takes another sip of her Frap.

"Lilly?" she calls.

"M.G.!" Lilly squeals emerging from a hallway.

They hug and instantly get stuck deeply in a conversation. the three boys shut the door and followed the white girl like white on rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snow storm.

"Hey! weren't there supposed to be two girls?" David asks.

"She's parking the car." White girl answers

David walks down the stairs just as the doorbell rings.

He opens the door to find a brunette struggling with a large box filled to the brim.

"Im here for Lilly." she says, catching something as it fell out of the box.

"Can i help you with that?" David asks.

"Yeah, sure." She says.

He takes the box and accidentally drops something. He sets down the box and they both reach for it at the same time....

And hit their heads together.

"Ow! ugh, dude!" she says as she picks up the item and rubs the area of impact on her forehead.

"Sorry?" David says as he rubs his head.

"Uhmm.. Person?"

"David." he corrects.

"Uhm, David, you're bleeding." she says and points at his foot.

He now understands the pain shooting up his foot. he looks back up the stairs and he notices that it trailed blood.

"Shoot. that carpet is expensive." he says rubbing his head again.

"Where's your first aid kit?" She asks.

"Upstairs." David says, suddenly feeling the pain.

"Here let me help you." she takes his arm and helps him up the stairs.


"So what's your name?" Gabe asks blondie.

"Huh? My name?" she asks. "Mackenna."

The boys exclaim.

"Why does Lilly call you M. G.?" Dana asks.

"My middle name is Grace." she says while scrolling on Instagram and sipping her Starbucks.

Will, Lilliana, and Mackenna sit on the couch, while Dana, Cole, and Gabe oogle Mackenna from the floor.

"Where's Eisel?" Mackenna randomly asks.

"With David?" Cole ask questionably.

"Huh." Mackenna says then turns to Lilly, "HEY, Lilly! I recently discovered these EXCELLENT extra-absorbing pads for really heavy flow-(gco)"

All of the boys in the room jump up and run out of the room covering theirs ears and screaming "LALALALALALALA!"

"It's about time." Mackenna sighs.

"Classic one. They clear faster than a group of white girls discovering a sale."

"Says you, chocolate." M.G. laughs. "we can't run in heels."


David is sitting on the bathroom counter while Eisel is crouched on the floor, tending to his foot.

"Here ya go." Eisel says, as she finishes wrapping gauze around David's foot and ankle.

"Thanks," David says, and flashes her his signature dazzling smile, in which she sees but only gives a small smile in return. "I didn't catch your name?"

"Im Eisel." she says as she straps down her work. "well you're finished.. you might want to try to keep off that for a bit. Stepping on broken glass vase chips is nasty business."

"..Yeah." he mumbles, a bit confused why his smile didn't make her melt. when he dismisses the thought, she's gone and already going down the stairs.

He jumps off the bathroom counter and runs after her, careful not to step on the glass again that is still there.

She picks up the box, and carries the box into the living room where Lilliana and Mackenna are chatting.

"There you are, Eisel!" Mackenna exclaims.

"Where you been, girl?" Lilliana asks.

"Just helping some dude.. David?" Eisle says as she puts the box onto the floor. "I brought the stuff you asked."

"Good." Lilliana says as an evil smile creeps on her face. "pranking time."

David gasps quietly as he stops evesdropping.

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