Lilliana at the Ball

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[Picture of Lilliana's Dress Above-just the dress]


I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Michael Jackson


😘 The 😍
😈 Ball 💩
😄 Table 📖



Lilliana eats like a lady as she sits next to Gabe and David.

She occasionally stares down Will, who, unfortunately for him, sits just across the table from her.

She turns to Gabe(to her left) and tries to make friendly conversation, while David(to Lilliana's right) tries to make his sacrifice of sitting next to "the controllable Lilliana" worth it. Only Will could seem to tame her down.

he turns to Eisel and talks to her.

"Hey, Gabe." Lilliana says.

"Hey." he responds.

"How's your evening going?"

"Okay. yours?"

"Its alright."

A silence follows.

"Hey," She starts. "i just wanted to say that im sorry for forcing you into this.."

"Are you?" he says staring her straight in the eye.

"Yes." she emphasizes. "I am."

"I forgive you." he says, a smile slowly creeping on his face.


They continue eating, until Eisel abruptly gets up from the table, says 'Excuse me for one moment.' and walks away.

"Excuse me." Lilliana says to Gabe as she stands. "David, what on God's green Earth did you do?"

"I..." he tries to say but can't.

"Nevermind." she quickly follows after Eisel.

"Eisel!" She yells once they reach outside.

Eisel turns toward Lilly. "I-I.. I can't do this." She says as she starts to sob.

"You can." Lilliana says, pulling Eisel into a embrace. "you are a strong, powerful, brave woman that your mom would be more than proud to call her daughter."

Eisel nods and wipes the tears from her face.

"It only for one night." Lilliana says, as Eisel nods. "you can do this."

They walk back in and sit down.


[After dessert-which was an option of cheesecake or chocolate cake]


I finish my chocolate cake and glance at Lilliana. A new classical tune begins. Sleep Away-by Bob Acri.

She did apologize.. why not make it worth while?

I just hope she doesn't get the wrong idea.

I lean over to her. "Hey," I say awkwardly. "you.. uh, wanna dance?"

Her face lights up. "Sure!" Lilliana answers.

We both get up and walkover to the dancefloor and stand next to the couples already there.

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