Greets, Meats and Dates

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Name of the Casted Member-UNKNOWN.]


Mackenna left before we went to the store, and i felt more normal. i forgot about my guilt until i got back.

I walk in carrying the watermelon. i set it down on the counter, and it hits me like a ton of bricks.


Well, it's the next day, and Gabe's making us breakfast. Waffles, bacon, eggs and sausage.

I walk into Will's room.

"Wake up Will." i shake him. "Breakfast is cooking. it's your favorite. Waffles, bacon, eggs and sausage."

"Go away." he mumbles, pulling the covers further over his head.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey." I continue to shake him.

"Leave me alone to die." he says, quoting Lilo and Stitch.

I try continuously, when i give up.

"You can't avoid the world forever!" i say. "there are plenty of fish in the sea!!"

He pulls the covers off his face. "it doesn't mean they'll all like me."

"Puh-lease." i roll my eyes. "you've turned guys."

He throws the covers back over his head. "i don't want just any fish! i want my Lilly Fish!"

"Okay, that was kind of the stupidest thing i've ever heard come out of your mouth, and now it looks like you and Dana have another thing in common."

"Whats that?" he asks.

"You're both acting stupid."

"It's not our fault you haven't made a move on the girl you like." He sasses back.

"Shots fired." I turn around to leave. "breakfast is downstairs if you want it." i say, mono-tone, before walking out the door.

What he said was below the belt.. but.. i know Will gets sassy when he's upset, and says things he doesn't mean to say.. But thinks..

I walk down the stairs, and go in the kitchen.

I prepare my plate.


I was serving Cole breakfast, when suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Wilfred answers the door and lets them in.

"Jeremy and brunette-girl have arrived." he says, and walks away.

"It's Thea." a girl says as she walks past Wilfred.

He rolls his eyes and sinks back into a shadow.

"Thea," Jeremy starts, "this is Gabe and Cole."

"Nice to meet you Gabe and Cole." she says as she looks at Cole then at me.

"Nice to meet you too." i say, inwardly laughing.

"Yeah." Cole laughs.

She looks at us, slightly confused.

"Im sorry, who's who, again?"

I raise my hand, "Gabe."

Cole raises his, "Cole."

"Ohhh, okay. you're Gabe," she points to me, "and you're Cole." She points to cole.

We nod.

"I see it now." She says.

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