Chapter Eight

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      ||Lilo's POV||

"Believe me if there's one person I know can help, it's Jumba. He's well quite literally an evil genius." I told Boo as we sat on my bed and waited for him to answer the video call.

"Lilo!" He exclaimed as he answered. "I didn't expect you calling back so soon. Everything alright there !" He asked, he was in his lab as usual.

"No really." I muttered, "Jumba we have a problem."

"Oh no is little blue monster detained again?" He asked unsurprisingly.

I shook my head and laughed, "not this time." Boo slid next to me to reveal her face to Jumba and he looked confused.

"Jumba meet Boo, Boo this is Jumba." I introduced.

"Nice to meet your new human friend, I don't believe that is a big problem." He stated.

"Well actually it is, because Stitch is stuck in another dimension." Boo answered.

"What! What happened!?"

Boo then explained the entire situation about monsters inc. and how she knew where stitch could have possibly ran into.

"Ah no need to worry." Jumba said with surprising ease. "We'll find little blue monster soon. Those were my old friends back in the day. I remembering visiting them a couple of times too."

"Jumba you knew monsters inc. existed!" I asked.

"Well yes, I have a life too Lilo." He laughed.

I sighed, slightly relieved. "How do we get stitch back?" I questioned.

"Well you will need a few tools" he scratched his chin. "It will take too long to send them to you but I think your school will have some supplies."

"What kind of supplies? What are we making?" I asked.

"A  sulapfete" he said confidently, as if that was supposed to make sense.

"English we need English" Boo said and I laughed, it's like she could read my mind.

"In simple terms it's a device that allows you to jump from dimension to dimension."

"A portal?" I asked.

"Well yes. Yes a portal."

"What do we need?" I said and he explained all the pieces we needed to get from our science and robotics lab."

"I'll call you back once we have everything." I told him, closing my laptop.

"Well, I'm guessing we're not going to class today?" Boo asked squinting her eyes.

"Come on." I said grabbing her wrist and pulling her out to get the supplies.

We were definitely not going back to class until I bring stitch back.

•                •               •             •              •       

We made our way towards the robotics lab as inconspicuously as possible. I pushed open the heavy glass doors and told Boo, "ok you just need to get the transmogrification rings and aluminum sheets and I'll take the rest."

"That seems a little complex for freshman" a familiar voice rang from behind us and we both froze.

Oh shiver sticks.

I turned around and smiled sheepishly as Liam's blue eyes narrowed and a small smirk played on his lips.

"Liam what are you doing here." I asked laughing, trying to look as casual as ever.

I failed miserably.

"The real question is why are you looking for transmogrification rings?" He asked.

"Uh for a project." Boo interrupted.

"Yes, yes a very important project." I said.

"Well I wasn't informed that Freshmen had a project involving the robotics lab. I work here part time so, they usually inform me on who's supposed to be here."

My heart rate escalated, what if he told the administrators and they kicked me out. I've barely been here a week and I've already caused a lot of trouble.

This was Hawaii all over again.

"Are you lying to me Lilo?" Liam asked me with nothing but hurt in his voice.

I felt so guilty, he'd been nothing but kind to me since we met.

"I can't explain why I'm here." I tried speaking. "It's complicated like very crazy unbelievable out of this world complicated."

"Well I like complicated." He smiled.

Boo and I exchanged looks and I sighed.

"We really need these materials. I guess since I wanted you to meet Stitch anyway." I gave in. He was just too darn cute and I would feel bad for lying to him. "Why not explain everything to you."

Boo groaned, "I'm really tired of explaining this story."

"One last time won't hurt." I smiled at her.

"Well it all started when I was around three years old-" Boo began and she explained what happened to Stitch as well.

"No fucking way" Liam exclaimed.

Oh boy.

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