Chapter Three

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||Lilo's Pov||

Sheer screams of panic erupted in my dorm room.My new roommate Boo was being smothered by Stitch and I was currently trying to Pull him off her.

I don't know what has gotten into Stitch but I definitely did not like it.

Her panicked screams turned into an  endless stream of giggles.She rolled over and started tickling Stitch.Making him go paralyzed with laughter.

I was astonished by the sight infront of me.She seemed to have no problem with Stitch now,as they tossed and turned in the dorm room.
Boo's straight hair was a tangled mess on her head,but she didn't seem to mind.

"Both of you,stop it !" I yelled,grabbing Stitch by his small blue arm as I let him hang in the air.I held Boo's arm in my other hand and stood in between them.

"No,"she whined "I like your little blue creature "

"That's the point!" I yelled,letting go of her arm."He's a creature " Stitch let out a growl. "Sorry, I mean he's a different type of
human-" he let out another growl "He's a super special exotic human with better features then most " I said rolling my eyes.

"That doesn't change the fact that he's super soft and furry and cute! " she said leaping over and grabbing Stitch from my hand.She hugged him so tight that he looked like he was going to explode.

"You don't have a problem with him?" I made sure.

"Of course not!Why would I?" She generally looked shocked,like he was an actual human with only a small flaw.

"Wow,most people are well, scared of him." I answered honestly.

"I'm not most people " she smiled.

"You're definitely not."

"Lilo I think we're going to be great friends."

"Me too" I replied with a smile.

"Me three" Stitch said jumping from Boo's arms into mine.I gave him a kiss on the head.

"You too Stitch,You too."


"Wait,your telling me that Liam Revona asked you out!?" Boo interrogated me.

"He didn't ask me out" I said unpacking my clothes into the small closet that was provided.With Stitch packing in his things as well.
"He said we're going with a bunch of his friends. "

"He could have just said that to convince you to go with him"

"I don't think he would lie to me,even if he did I wouldn't mind getting my revenge by letting him pay for the food I'll order." I laughed.

"Smart girl"she laughed with."what are you studying anyway ?"

"Chemical Engineering, what about you?"

"Psychology,I'm thinking of becoming a child
psychologist "

"That sounds fun,I guess you'll be telling kids the monsters under their beds dont exist " I laughed, expecting her to laugh with me.But she didn't , she pulled her lips into a straight line.

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