Chapter Seven

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"This is serious Boo." I frowned, thinking of the worst possible case scenario.

"What - what if Gantu took Stitch or -or something happened back home or maybe-" I paced up and down the room.

"Lilo listen to me! " she tried to beg.

"This is not good , no what if-"

"Lilo, stop ! " she yelled , shaking my shoulders.

"What could you possibly know about this Mary! You -you have no idea what we're facing here. I know seeing a - a creature like Stitch is new to you, but this shouldn't be taken lightly . We could be dealing with very , very bad people Mary. " I looked into her eyes , trying to make her understand the seriousness of the situation.

She stood still for a few seconds, then like an active volcano she erupted in endless spews of laughter. She just laughed , barely able to carry her own weight.

"This is not funny Mary, we could all be in danger."

"Sit down Lilo , we need to
talk ." she smiled

I couldn't take her seriously any more . She's just an average human, she probably thinks this is some kind of joke.

I sat on my bed and waited for her to continue, making sure I put on my most serious face.

"Listen Lilo , there are a few things you don't know about me." she started , walking slowly up and down the room.

"I wasn't your average child " she giggled .

It was at this point I realised that she was a serial killer. The kind Nani warned me about. It was all adding up, her creepy drawings , her seemingly positive attitude. The fact that she was so exited to meet Stitch.

I slowly moved to the edge of the bed and she stopped talking .

" What's wrong ?" She questioned me. " Where are you going ?"

"Nowhere." I replied quickly

"Alright then, " she continued, but she sat next to me and there was no way to get to the door without her noticing.

"As I was saying , I think I know who took Stitch . Or rather , where Stitch ran into."

My eyes widened ," You were asleep how could you have known he ran into the closet?"

"Lilo there's a lot you don't know about me."

"Then explain " I asked exasperated.

"When I was a young girl I remember -I thought I had these strange dreams " she began and I couldn't have ever prepared myself for what I heard next.

After almost fifteen minutes of Boo explaining what had happened to her, I was unable to contain myself.

I was almost ecstatic that I had found someone with an oddly similar yet equally unique childhood.

Yet when she told me that both her parents never believed her, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"They took me to a number of different psychologists, psychiatrist you name it." she said looking down at her hands. I could feel the hurt in her words as she continued.

" Mike and Wazowski came to visit me often when I was young.I guess I started feeling as though they were my family . " she smiled , but there was an eerie sadness to her smile this time.

"Eventually, they stopped coming.I - I don't even remember the last time I saw them. I don't know why they stopped coming. I often wondered if it was because I had gotten older.Maybe they found another sister or maybe they got tired of me and

"Boo stop. " I interrupted her.
"There's probably a valid reason for why they stopped coming. I know how difficult It is to loose people that feel like a family you never had. Almost as if the missing piece you finally found in your life has been taken away from you . I can't imagine loosing that forever and not knowing why."

" Thanks Lilo, but I don't believe I want to know why anymore . I considered them family but I - I had to understand that-"

"No don't say anything. Family is forever Boo. I refuse to believe there isn't a good reason for this."

She slowly nodded her head. "Let's just find out what happened to Stitch. So that we can bring him back safely." She smiled .

"I know just the person we can call." I smiled "Jumba."

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