Chapter four

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|| lillo's POV||

"But I have to get to my lectures Martin " I tried to plead.

The freshman were currently on the field for morning orientation.
Everyone was doing something for the seniors and I had to fan Martin with a paper, which was a particularly difficult task to accomplish.

"Did you just call me by my name?" He asked, eyes wide open.

"I mean , I need to get to class your majesty." I fake smiled

"That's better and no , not untill orientation is over." He replied taking a sip of his smoothie.

I was not going to be late for my first ever lecture.Not because of something as stupid orientation anyway.

"Listen here ," I tore the paper I was using to fan him . "This stupid game is not going to cost me my future. " I threw the peices of torn paper on his lap and walked away.

"Come back here freshman!" He yelled from his seat , but I continued walking. "I said get back here "

"Make me!" I yelled back but continued walking away.

In what seemed like a instant someone grabbed my arm and I was stopped in my tracks.

"Listen here Lola your feisty , I like it but you still have to listen to what I say " he smirked and let go of my arm.

"I don't have to listen to you, orientation is stupid and a waste of time ." I turned back around and started walking into the building.

I went back to my room to get my books but by the time I reached the class I was twenty five minutes late.


I missed almost half of what my professor was talking about but I managed to catch up.

By the time I was done with my morning lessons it was already mid-afternoon.

I decided to get food and then go back to my room.

"Stich I'm back ,and I have food ."
I walked into the rooms and found no sign of Stitch , I walked towards the bathroom door and noticed that there were bubbles coming out from under the door.

Oh no.

"Stitch what have you done! " I yelled when I opened the door.The entire bathroom was soaked and there were bubbles everywhere.
I ran to close the tap and stitch was in the bath splashing away.

"I have to clean this up now and its all your fault !" I yelled

I stopped in my tracks when I heard a knock at the door.

"Stitch hide." I whispered. I went to answer the door and was shocked to see Martin there.

"Well if it isn't Lavinder " he smirked and foldded his arms.

"Its Lilo and what do you want ?"

"That's no way to talk to your Senior.Im hear because of the unusual amount of water that is being used from this room " he allowed himself inside. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you? " he asked

"I , no no I don't " I stuttered.

He walked toward the bedroom and all the evidence was there.The bedroom was soaked from the water overflowing in from the bathroom.

"What happened! " he yelled

"It was an accident.I-I left the water running and -" I tried to explain

"Consider this strike one, three strikes and you'll have to leave the dorm rooms "

"I'm sorry it won't happen
again "

"It better not" he turned around and walked out.

I let out a frustrated scream.

This is definitely not how I pictured college.


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