metaphysical mirages


as those who live through some attack

may firstly cower

secondly summon the valor

for expected repetition

so did i learn to face a fear

a lesson only to be followed by another

separate intelligences will not do

precisely that which you of them demand

so, from aversion to addiction

it seems i witnessed in myself

opponents which us humans

face in daily lives

most often without

any previous awareness


the snakes’ domain

is sacred sexuality

though sacred in a body

only under fearless state

for those who are plagued

would then soon see

nightmarish versions

of the birds and bees

enough to scare

the sweet bejesus

as the one who came in aid of me

and then lead into insight

in regards to bodily craving

versus transcendental mating

the holy act that sages speak of

sex, not as an outward action of the genitals

based on a selfish wish

but blissful union

of the long distant lovers

right inside

having so gently just combined

at that small altar

in-between the eyes

each gliding there

from appropriate origins

slithering out of long-time hiding


then, came the point

where mere surveillance

was now seen

as an inhibiting reluctance

going against the grain

of buddhist teaching

didn’t really bother me

the rebel

in the name of harmony

i took the moment

into my own hands

even convinced the teacher

to agree with me and trust

in such a blatantly defiant scheme

how else could anyone

expect me to achieve

harmonization of ‘opposing’ forces?

letting the mental meaning in

though still maintaining

bodily connection

as in flickers of sensation

i tuned in

literally, i then felt

my whole self sway

a pendulum connected

to a mechanism of a grandpa clock

timed by his will


a pleasant current

flowing through me

bringing images and signals

yet only partially understood

regardless, leading into

energetically precise alignment

and woman-snake’s enticing eyes…

and serpent-man’s kind, grateful smile…


the joke is that all said and done

i still yearned more, expected more

not satisfied with what then was

with a prelude, wanted an encore

was slapped by a realization

that was it

no grand finale

or ecstatic shower of gifts

a gradual process left

what i required most,

but didn’t fully recognize it

live in the body’s moment

not in plans, in fantasies, or astral travel

the male and female harmonized (?)

and thrilling energies

then mostly disappeared

now simply serve

this now is Joy

Love is this here

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