Mind States

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i dream of you and your confident aura

i dream of how we looked in front of the mirror

i dream of you hugging me, arms round my back

i dream of how last you were kissing my neck

i think and i wonder do you dream as well?

i think and i wonder do you yearn your belle?

i think and i wonder do you still run to others?

i think and i wonder do you love us as lovers?

i picture us sharing that passionate moment

i picture us filling our missing components

i picture two children and you by the ocean

i picture that love is our one guiding notion

i know that already the dream's coming true

i know that without me you'll never be you

i know that it's perfect with Hope, Faith, and Love

i know what we're meant for and you are my dove

Résumé of a MysticOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora