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whichever way truth wishes

to unleash itself through me

i will not censor it, but set if free

suppressed it was too long

out of supposed humility

though surely some will disagree

what matters is that i can finally see

speaking is what i need to do undoubtedly

holding my tongue back is a skill

i do not need to learn, for i was already born

with the ability for such concern

what must be done is verbalize my mind's discussions

while letting go of insecurities about repercussions

self-doubt is what my ego still implies

though i won’t stop in fear of looking vain

in others’ eyes;  some point out arrogance

i recognize self-confidence; they imply fabrications

i value my sincere interpretations

if they suggest a wish to outshine

i trust that my intent leads me to the Divine

should some decide to make a point to disagree

i comprehend and respect the heavenly decree

to let each choose the path they wish to walk

yet, still i'll follow mine and that's to talk

the statements that i make are what

my soul inside has stirred

i’m not implying linking others to them word for word

my task is to communicate the wider meaning

what often seems preposterous at first

is not demeaning, but is a blessing

through which the world waits to receive your giving

please know that what i do is not for admiration

but to adhere to the appointed path of communication

still, some may choose to challenge and compete

instead of sifting through their personal perceptions

for their own sweet treat

to offer it to others as a present when they meet

this was not written as an insult

to offend, or in defense, but for objective conversation

over just subjective sense; no one will witness

words from me decrease, dishonestly please, or cease

because my genuine goal in life is inner peace

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