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a little bird told me, there is more to love

than just the birds and the bees

i flew into a rage at the mere suggestion

but as time flew by, pondered, comprehended

not everything has to be done on the fly

the early bird might get the worm

but the patient bird acquires the butterfly

i couldn't fly by the seat of my pants

though, the migration path would soon provide

a second, third, fourth, ongoing chance

“don't be a birdbrain and fall for the fly-by-night”

many said, “think logically”

but that is equivalent to eating like a bird

from the plate of perpetual gratification

throw intuition in the mix

and one obtains the bird's eye view

so i flew in the face of skeptics

and ruffled their feathers

“if it ain't chickens it's feathers

this will never fly” they still say

those birds of the same feather that flock together

but birds of the one spirit stay joined even when distant

a bird in the hand may be worth two in the bush

but to become free as a bird i'm willing

to take a chance to see even pigs fly

lastly, i'll quote the upanishads, so pardon me

two golden birds live on the selfsame tree

the fruit-eating ego and the Soul, light as a feather

we're told to keep the two distinguished

but why, when by killing two birds with one stone

you confirm that the lovebirds

are made of the same one eternity?

Résumé of a MysticNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ