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the plague of modern age

we're feeding it, yet

we're the tigers in the cage

so stubbornly opposed

to setting ourselves free

we'd rather sulk, regret

plan, doubt, and do all

else but simply be

it's all another’s fault

we scream, if not for them

we would have happy lives

now we’re condemned

we think that life is, was

and always will be hellish

view those who disagree

with dread as vain and selfish

heavy, congested sighs escape our throats

a nasty, paralyzing feeling makes us choke

our faces are epitomes of fear and worry

worry, worry is all that others hear


just stop and breathe

realize already that this isn't the way to live

if you would not stand on the side of good and enjoy life

please, in all honesty, ask yourself why

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