He found that Severus was a really good teacher and the reason he was so strict was because Potion's was a very dangerous subject and you could easily die if you put the wrong ingredient into it or let it boil for too long, everything was precise and to the point, nothing could be missed or extra added without it blowing up in your face. He had that happen to him on more than one occasion through out his schooling here. Ouch!

Harry took his notes and well as keeping a close on Severus, he WAS slightly waddling but it was completely un-noticed by the students and when he was doing his rounds to see if the Potions the students were brewing, his hand kept going to one pocket.... the pocket that Harry had seen with something in it, he kept watching until it was the end of the school day.

The students bottled up their Potions and put them on Serverus' desk and quickly left the room not wanting to stay any longer than needed to be and they headed straight to their dorms to complete their homework before dinner was called.

Harry was still in the back of the classroom checking over his notes and making sure he got enough information out of it all when he noticed a slight pull towards the Potion's Master/ Professor but he kept it under wraps as from what everyone knew he was a Neutral but in fact he was a Guardian and was on the look out for a Little of his own.

As he was getting up Severus was just leaving the room, again with the slight waddle, and when he noticed Harry was still there he gave him his famous glare and said "well Potter I do think it's time for you to leave" and with that Harry left right away and headed back to his own office to complete his lesson plan, for next week. 

"Professor I will see you tonight at dinner" and with that he left, Severus right away headed to his quarters and smiled, he had yet again got through another day without any one noticing this predicament.

As he entered his quarters he was able to change out of his heavy robes and just be how he was meant to be, but he knew he would never be complete, he needed the other half of his classification which happened to be a Guardian as he was sadly a Little.

When he knew his classification, Dumbledore just smiled at him but said nothing until he gave Severus the parchment, "Severus my boy, you will need a Guardian but at the moment no one is around for that role so it has come onto me that you will have to stay here until one can be found".

Severus didn't mind this meant he could do his apprenticeship in Potion's with Slughorn and then continue on with his Master's right afterwards, this he didn't mind at all.

As he was changing into a more relaxed wear, their was a knock on the door, he so didn't want to answer it so he asked his personal house elf Mitzy to go and answer it, which she did only to return with a message saying that he had a visitor waiting for him in the living room, he wasn't happy.

He made sure that he was wash, clean and changed before he stepped out into his living room and standing there in comfortable clothing and not his suit was one Harry James Potter, smiling slightly towards the noise.

Before anyone could act there was a spark, flashing from a light green of the Guardian from Harry to the pale baby blue of the Little from Severus, this meant that both of them had found each other, 'damn' thought Severus to himself as he felt himself slipping slightly into his Little space.

He was ok with Dumbledore knowing this as well as Mitzy as she was the one to look after him when Dumbledore was busy but to be combatable with Harry Freakin' Potter was unheard off for him, no way in hell was he going to become his Guardian and he sure wasn't going to be his freakin' Little.

"Huh.... Professor.... did you just feel that?" asked Harry, still not being able to call him by his first name, it was too freaky even for him to call that. Severus only nodded and then had slight tears in his eyes but nothing was said and then the dinner bell went at 6.00.

Severus is a Little!!! ((PAUSED FOR THE TIME BEING))Where stories live. Discover now