Chapter 38 ( Heart to Heart Talk )

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yes, Lord Vladimir." He said.

"What's your intention on staying here in Forks?" I said.

"Just roaming around, Lord Vladimir. I'm leaving now. I'm not going to stay in Forks anyway. I'm going back to your kingdom in New York." He said.

"That's better. I don't want to see your face here ever again." I said. He nodded and leaved quickly.

I decided to enter the elevator and press the 20th floor. After five minutes, I'm already in front of Abby's condo. I pressed the buzzer but one answered. Where is she at this hour? It's almost midnight!

I tried to use my hearing ability to know if she's inside but I can't heard her. I decided to leave. But when I'am already on the door of this unit next to her room, I heard her voice. She's laughing for no reason! What is she doing on others condo at this hour? And whose the owner of that condo, by the way?

I pressed the buzzer. It suddenly opened after 5 seconds. A good looking bastard showed up in front of me with only boxer shorts on. I gritted my teeth. Whose this bastard exactly? What's his relation to Abby? Is he Abby's new pet?

"Who are you?" He asked.

I can sense that he's not a normal human. He looks like a vampire but he smells like a werewolf. Holy shit! He's a hybrid! I've got furious all of a sudden. Thinking about Abby's safety. I suddenly pushed him hard through the wall and entered his condo right away.

"What did you do to Abby?" I asked him angrily. His back landed on the wall.

"Hey, easy dude. I didn't do anything to her. Were just having a sweet conversation." He said.

I punched his damn face after he said that. Blood suddenly drop on his mouth!

"Shit! What's your problem? You psycho – wait. Are you the famous Lord Vladimir? Oh, I'm sorry dude. I didn't recognized your fucking face right away!"

He said sarcastically and vowed his head like he's insulting me. This jerk!he had a guts to insult me! He really wanted to die, huh? I grab his shirt and grip his neck tightly.

"Oh my gosh! What's happening here?" I heard Abby said that.

I look at her. Her eyes widened while looking at me and this fucking bastard!

"Did you know him?" That bullshit asked Abby.

She smiled awkwardly and nodded. Oh shit! Why do I have this strong feelings that Abby and this creature were together? This bratt! She didn't even think properly, huh? I became more savage. I was about to attack that bastard when Abby stop me.

"Vlad, stop it!" She shouted.

"Why? Did you know that he's a hybrid? He's just using you, Abby! Maybe he's the same hybrid that werewolf race searching for! Let's get out of here!" I said but that hybrid didn't agree.

He pulled Abby closer to him after he pushed me harder through the wall. Shit! Damn this fucking hybrid!

"Alexander! Stop it! Both of you, stop it!" Abby screamed.

"Abby, let's go! You're not going to see this bastard again!" I said.

"Who is he, Abby?" Alexander asked her.

"He's my older brother!" She said.

"What!? Why you didn't tell me?" He said.

"You didn't asked, right?" She replied.

"Don't tell me this hybrid was is your love interest right now?" I asked her.

"You guess it right, bro." Alexander said.

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