Because of my car, I understand how building something for myself could teach me to be a least according to Nana. Lord knows how I failed that woman, but I now understand what Nana was truly trying teaching me.

She was trying to show me the value of a gift. How to take care it. And especially how to appreciate it. Most of my class chums take a gift as if it's owed to them. Then quickly discard it on a whim or when it ceases to be convenient.

Ya, the BMU my dad bought was so last year.

Well my mom got me the latest Lexus model. The last one I totaled was old anyway.

But whenever I think about my car, I think about my Nana, my mentor, and...her.



I burst through Shin-ae's door, just in time to see the intruder leave. "That's it," I inform Shin-ae, "I'm calling the authorities. Are you alright Ms. Yoo?" I don't look up at her; I was too focused on getting the best authorities to investigate this. But just as I'm about press the last digit, both her hands surround mine.

"Please," she begs, "D-don't." I quickly step back.

"Ms. Yoo," I begin, while trying to maintain my own countenance. "You don't know what you are saying. You are clearly severely distraught from this tribulation and not thinking well."

Now it's her turn to step back from me. "Not thinking well...?" she asks. Incredulity drips from her tone.

"Yes," I confirm. "It's a common occurrence from those facing variation of trauma, but do not worry. I will alert the authorities and have this matter resolved." I once more begin to dial now that I clarified the situation to her.

But once more, she invades my personal space. However, this time, she takes my phone away from me. "Ms. Yoo!" I chastise. Gracious, the trauma must have shocked her more than I anticipated.

"No Kousuke!" she shouts. Wait, she suddenly seems upset But...why?

I raise my brow. "I beg your pardon?"

"Kousuke," clutching my phone, she begins. "I know this seems odd to you, but please trust me. I can handle this."

"Your ability to handle this is obviously questionable at best, since you don't want the proper authorities involved." Now my suspicions start to rise. I cross my arms and ask, "You the identity of your intruder, Ms. Yoo?"

Now she appears panicked and looks down. "N-no...not really," she answers quietly.

"That is not a proper answer, Ms. Yoo."

"I-I think I know her. But..."

Her? The intruder is a woman?

"...but she claims to be my older sister," she continues. "The one I was separated from." As she returns my gaze, this time I swear, I can see steel behind her eyes and feel it in her tone. "And if she's telling the truth, I won't do anything to risk her future."

Absolutely baffled, I stand there mute. Who is this wisp of a girl, risking her own personal safety on the off chance her intruder (a criminal as far as I understand) is her sister? A sister, I remember now, whom Shin-ae hasn't seen in years.

I assume Shin-ae hates the silence that grows between us, because she continues. "Let me at least find out for sure if she's my sister! And if she's lying, then you can all the authorities and write this incident down as another example of how stupid I am." Her gaze lands on floor.

She looks so ... defeated as she said that last part. I don't even notice my feet moving towards her until she looks up at me.

"Ms. Yoo," I say firmly. "You are not stupid." This earns me her smile. "Perhaps a bit naïve," I continue, and her smile falls a bit. "But I assure you, you are not stupid."

With a nod she says, "Thank you, Kousuke."

Not familiar with the warm feeling spreading inside me, I quickly change the subject. "Now, Ms. Yoo, at least let me inform your father of the ordeal. I'm sure he - "

"He already knows," she finishes.

And once again, the information around me doesn't make any sense. None of it ever seems to coalesce when it comes to her.

"He knows?" I question. "How can he know? Can your family afford private security? I didn't realize that was possible with your father's assumed salary."

With a straight face and monotone voice, she replies, "He doesn't."

"Then how can he - "

"I told him the first time I found her breaking into my home."

The first time? What is going on here?

I need more facts before I make any rushed decisions regarding the obviously reckless Ms. Yoo Shin-ae. And I definitely cannot afford to let her recklessness affect our work. What would father think?

I assume my reaction was written all over my face, because more information about the "first time" starts to spew forth.

"Don't worry," she attempts to reassure me. "I had Dieter, Soushi, and Yeong-Gi to help me."

Wait, Nol was there?

"N...Yeong-Gi was with you?" I ask her. 

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