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KAELYN WATCHED PETER PARKER'S HEART BREAK in the span of ten seconds. She never wanted Peter to find out like this. Or find out at all. Regret flooded her senses as her solemn eyes met his confusion. This wasn't how she wanted things to be.

"Kae...?" his voice drifted off, coated in utter disbelief. Part of her was forcing herself to urge to hold back tears. She did not deserve to cry over this.

"Hi," was all she managed to get out without her voice breaking. Anything more and she would like burst into tears.

"What is all of this? What are you doing here? I- were you following me? Who sent you?" The questions tumbled out of Peter's mouth as she took a deep breath, trying to think of a smart answer.

After a moment, she gained most of her control again, "I'm not supposed to tell you. You were never even supposed to know but then you went and got trapped in a warehouse for six hours. Yes, I was following you. Keeping an eye on you. I'm a human shield so I'm supposed to protect you if you get yourself in trouble which you almost did tonight, you know."

Peter's eyes searched hers, probably looking for some form of a lie. She didn't want this to be happening and there was a sinking feeling that Peter didn't want it to be either. Three weeks in and she already managed to completely ruin her relationship. Really great track record she's setting for herself.

"Stark sent you," Peter reached the conclusion, watching as her gaze fell to the floor as she nodded ever so slightly. "Of course, he doesn't trust me. Why would you team up with him, Kae? Why would you do this to me?"

The pain in his eyes broke her. Any control she thought she had abandoned her as she broke down crying. Through tears, she shook her head, "I just wanted to keep you safe. All of a sudden, I had this new power. Something I could use to protect the people I care about. So when I had the opportunity to protect you, I took it. I am so sorry, Peter. I-I betrayed any trust you had in me and a sorry can't get that back."

"You're right. It won't." Peter backed up away from her. He leaped onto the storage container he busted out of a few minutes ago, leaving Kaelyn against the wall as she slid to the floor sobbing. Hurting Peter was never part of the plan. She pulled her phone out of a compartment in her suit that was kept well-hidden, dialing the one number she despised the most at this moment. Any superhero fantasies weren't worth this. She didn't care if Peter hated her from this moment on, but she couldn't do this anymore. She wasn't even sure this would earn his forgiveness, but she didn't care at that moment. She had to get out. 

"This is Stark."

"I'm done," she spat into the phone, trying to disguise the fact that tears were streaming down her face and her voice was breaking left and right. "After this mission, I am going home and I am done. Take your suit back, erase my memory or some shit just get me out."

"Kaely-" The phone call ended before he could finish his sentence. In a fit of rage, she threw her phone across the warehouse with a scream, shattering it. Peter's head turned towards her for a moment, their eyes meeting within the distance. He turned back around. For a moment, it seemed as though he was going to say something. No words left his mouth as she faced the back of his head again.

After a few painstaking moments, she spoke, "After this, you never have to worry about me again. You can go back to chasing Liz and I will go back to being head of the cheerleading team and we can pretend none of this ever happened. Thank you for the time we had, but clearly, I can't be trusted with a boyfriend. I think it's best that once we're out of this stupid warehouse we go our separate ways. Thank you."

This caused Peter to turn around, shifting so his legs were hanging over the edge. His voice was more of a mumble, but she was still able to decipher what he was saying, "I don't know if that's necessary. I mean, I'm pissed, but I didn't know it was break up worthy. Just, this really hurt me, Kaelyn. I thought you were someone I could trust, someone that wouldn't underestimate me as the rest of the world does. If anything, this just proves that Mr. Stark underestimates me more than I already thought he did. That hurts more, almost." The lingering feeling of the word "almost" made Kaelyn sick to her stomach. Rightfully so. She deserved to feel like this, that reminder flashing in her mind. She did this to herself.

"What are you saying?" was all she could muster.

"I'm saying that this hurt me, Kae. I'm not going to be able to forgive you for a while, probably. But the last thing I could ever want, even when this happened, is to pretend like none of this ever happened. I can't just go back to the way things were when there's so much more ahead of us to discover. I still want you and I still care about you, it's not like you cheated on me or something. I mean, as you said, you just wanted to protect me. I guess that means something. I just, I don't want you to not be in my life." These words surprised her to no end. Part of her expected Peter to shun her, to want absolutely nothing to do with her. "Just give me my space right now. Let me hurt. When I get back from D.C, we'll go from there, okay?"

"Okay." She wished everything could go back to normal with them right away, but she knew no matter what feelings were or weren't there, that was not going to happen any time soon. It might be a while before things were normal again. She was going to have to live with that. "Then after we're out of here. I'll see you in New York. Thank you."

"For what?"

"Wanting me."

When she said this, Peter hopped off of the training container. Keeping silent, he walked over to her. In just a moment, he had this hand on her cheek, wiping away some of her tears as she noticed his own traced over his cheeks. She wanted to kiss him, but there could not be a worse time than this.

After just the breath of a moment, he spoke, "Kaelyn, I will always want you. No matter what."

  hot take these two really make my heart go woosh! Also, I haven't seen Endgame so if any of you comment spoilers I am deleting your comment and blocking you i dont care who you are!! Also, this chapter is really short don't hate me please!

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  hot take these two really make my heart go woosh! Also, I haven't seen Endgame so if any of you comment spoilers I am deleting your comment and blocking you i dont care who you are!! Also, this chapter is really short don't hate me please!

  hot take these two really make my heart go woosh! Also, I haven't seen Endgame so if any of you comment spoilers I am deleting your comment and blocking you i dont care who you are!! Also, this chapter is really short don't hate me please!

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