18 - MASKS

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OF COURSE, when Kaelyn's mission was specifically to make sure Peter didn't leave town, he did exactly that

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OF COURSE, when Kaelyn's mission was specifically to make sure Peter didn't leave town, he did exactly that. Last minute, he rejoined Academic Decathlon and was now on his way to Washington D.C. Thankfully, Beth now had an in with Liz and was able to join the team as well. Now, it was late on the night before the competition, and Kaelyn was hiding out in Beth's hotel room with her suit and a tracker on Peter. It felt weirdly unhealthy to be tracking her boyfriend, but a mission was a mission.

"He's on the move, you gotta get out there and trail him or else we're gonna lose him and God knows what he's gonna get into. Clearly, he didn't join just because he wanted to see the monuments," Beth sighed, eyeing the tracker on her laptop and typing in a few things, most likely trying to pinpoint his exact location. "Suit up, Baby-G, he's getting further and further away."

With a sigh, Kaelyn opened up her suitcase, revealing the red and black suit. As she was lifting it to put it on, she noticed it was lined with hints of gold. She smiled, appreciating the small detail. Another thing that made her different from Peter, which felt nice. The last thing she ever wanted to be was a copycat. Kaelyn always wanted to be her own person and she was determined to keep it that way.

Just before she put on her mask, Beth gave her a once-over and gasped melodramatically, "Honestly, Kae, if you were a lesbian, I would hit that but probably only in that suit. Or the cheerleading uniform. Whatever works."

The girls giggled, Kaelyn swatting her friend lightly on the arm, "Oh, just focus on one crush at a time you lovesick fool! Where's the comm? I need you in my ear."

"Built into the suit which means I can talk your ear off and you can't take it off without revealing your identity so ha!" Beth exclaimed very matter-of-factly, causing both girls to burst into fits of laughter. "Now, mask up! You got places to be!"

Kaelyn pulled the mask over her face and something shifted. She felt so different yet so much like herself. She appreciated that Tony left a place for her bright red ponytail to spill out so she wouldn't deal with her massive amount of hair being squished into the mask. Despite the eyes appearing bright white and opaque on the outside, she had perfect vision as if she were looking through a one-way mirror.

Once Beth's earpiece was on, she spoke into it simply, "Testing, 1, 2, 3, ready to go kick some ass and keep your man in check?"

Kaelyn smiled under the mask, "Ready as I'll ever be."

The cold D.C. air penetrated the spandex suit as she rested in the trees. She didn't have the same web-slinging powers that Peter did, but Tony had made her hands and such have an amazing grip so she could watch from any angle she needed.

Currently, she was watching Peter mess around with his suit while he was practically giving himself away to the men in the white van at the gas station she sat above. She rolled her eyes at his antics, but part of her was afraid for him. The guys Peter was chasing were sitting right there and Peter couldn't get his shit together long enough. Finally, he hopped back onto the sign announcing the gas prices. She was relieved he stopped messing around, but he was dangerously close to Kaelyn's hiding spot. For a moment, despite the closeness, she was relieved. Maybe Peter would take this as a sign to draw back and to resign back to the hotel and let them go another day.

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