Chapter 2

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A/N: Alrighty then! So I'm soooooo sorry about not updating in a while. I'm dedicating this story to my bestie.  Music__is_freedom. She is an amazing writer and I suggest you read her PewedieCry fan fics!! Oh! And 20 votes for the next upload! Pic of Xavier on the side -->

Can't tell him yet. 

~Aaron Thorn~

"Ow! MOM! Stop! That hurts." I cried as she wrapped my head in gauze. She sighed before sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"I'm sorry Aaron." She mumbled.

"Mom, you don't have to be sorry. Its not your fault." I mumbled.

She looked down at her hands, "I know that, but we could have told you sooner, let you know what might have happened." 

"Mom, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd all have a merry Christmas." I rubbed the back of my neck and heard the door bell ring. We listened quietly as my dad opened it. 

"Ah! Gloria! I haven't seen you in ages, and this must be Xavier." His voice rang through the house.

"Gloria? I-I'll be right back." My mom stuttered before rushing from my purple room. Yes, purple. It was the only colour I really liked. I looked into the full length mirror on the wall across from my bed. My hair seemed to be fading back to the black, right now it was silvering. But the eyes that stared back at me. Those were definitely not mine. 

"Aaron! Come down and say hello." My fathers voice floated up and killed my train of thought.

“Fine…” I mumbled. I stood slowly and walked along the walls. When I got to the stairs my mom began to fuss about how I should’ve called her to help.  “Mom, I’m f-fine.” I grunted as I stumbled a little.  The pain was back, but with twice the ferocity.

“Sweet heart? Are you okay?!”  My mom came to me as I was halfway down the stairs.

"Y-yeah mom... I'm-" I stumbled even more my legs began to collapse under me.

"Aaron?" My father suddenly apeared next to me.

"I'm f-fine da-d." I grunted.

"Xavier, get up there and help him." A woman's voice said, a voice I didn't recognize. 'I bet its that woman mother was speaking of...'  a soft voice whispered.

"I must be hearing things..." I grumbled

"What did you hear?" A deep voice I didn't recognize said. I looked up weakly, my eyes half lidded.

"Who?" I mumbled. 

"I'm Xavier." The boy smiled, my heart skipped a beat.... Wait.... What?! His dark blue eyes shone out n comparison to his black hair and dark olive skin.

"Ow..." Was all I could muster as Xavier lifted me up bridal style off of the stairs and began to finish descending. He placed me on the couch and I watched lazily as my father came back into the room with a needle and a vile of something clear. He stuck the needle into the top of the vial and slowly filled the small syringe. He tapped the glass and took my arm. He stuck the needle into the crook of my arm and I flinched slightly.

"Just one second son. You'll feel better in one second." My father promised me. He began to push down on the needles plunger and I felt my body become weak. I watched the roof flutter and become black.


I watched the boys eyes flutter closed and I sighed.

"Mom... Who is he?" I whispered.

"He is you mate boy." The boys father said.

"W-what?!" I exclaimed.

"X-Xavier... he is your mate... Your eyes and ... him..." My mom said shakily.

 I began to stutter,"B-but h-he is a GUY! A-and-"

"Xavier Alexander Green! Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to be with this boy! To protect him!" My mother burst out.

"I-I..." I looked down at her and sighed, "I can't..."  I sighed. The simple thought of leaving this boy i had known for all of five seconds, made me sick to my stomach.

"He is your mate, you will treat him with respect. I will NOT have a dominate hurting my little boy." The boys mother finally spoke, and scared the hell out of me. For someone so small, she had scary eyes.

"I-I..." I stumbed over my words.

"Calm down Marian." The boys dad said, "He wouldn't do anything to hurt Aaron." The name sparked some thing in me. 'Mine.'  My wolf whispered. The boys father was now glaring at me, his shining dark blue eyes telling me he was an alpha.

"I never would..." I heard myself whisper.

"Why don't we go into the kitchen and talk about this. Xavier was it? Could you stay here and watch Aaron?" The boy's (Apparently named Aaron) father asked me. I simply nodded and they headed into the kitchen, apart from Aaron's dad. "If he wakes up... Don't tell him your his mate yet." 

"W-What? Why?" I asked.

"He won't be able to handle all of... this. He may reject you and not mean it, that would.... not be good." Aaron's father sighed.

"Yeah... I guess." I whispered. He patted me on the shoulder and headed into the kitchen to join his wife and my mother. I looked down at the sleeping beauty on the couch and sighed. "I wish I could tell you." I leaned down and kissed his pale forehead before sitting on the other couch and turning on the flat screen T.V.

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