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Entering the Holodeck, Geordi and Picard programmed the simulation perfectly. We let Riker go once the exit disappeared. Jean-Luc sat in Riker's chair and the Commander took the chair in the middle. Carefully walking over, I took my seat to the left of Riker.
"Ensign Crusher, take us to the Neutral Zone, warp seven," Riker ordered, and Wesley pretended to set in the coordinates. 
"Aye...Sir," Wesley muttered, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I nodded and smiled at him, trying to tell him to act real. Within a few minutes, we entered the Neutral Zone.
"Sir, there is are three Romulan WarBird uncloaking around us," Worf informed, glancing at me. "Sir, they are now attempting to hail us," Worf muttered, clearing his throat. I glared at him as he glanced at me. "Should I answer?" Worf asked, giving in.
"Destroy them. Fire all photon torpedos. Now." He ordered, and I raised my brows. Suddenly, the ships exploded, and Riker slumped in his chair, eyes closed.
"Computer, end program!" I yelled, and I checked his pulse. "He's alive. I believe it worked. See? The green spot on the inside of his wrist is gone."
Gradually opening his eyes, Riker scanned Sick Bay, Geordi, Data, Jean-Luc, Wesley, and I.
"Hey. You've been out for ten minutes. How are you feeling?" I asked, scanning him with a tricorder. Narrowing his eyes, he abruptly sat up. I stumbled back falling into Data's arms.
"Are you okay Doctor?" Data asked, steadying me. I nodded, not taking my eyes off of Riker.
"You tricked me..." Riker breathed, standing up. Tapping my communicator, I ordered Worf to use activate the Force Field. "I never had control of the ship. That was all fake. I never defeated the Romulans once and for all! How dare you!" He yelled, running into the Force Field. On impact, he flew back, landing back on the bed.
I closed my eyes and sighed. "Data, approximately how much longer do we have?"
I regretted asking.
"Approximately, nine minutes, 45 seconds." Data replied, looking at me from the corner of his eye. Groaning, I threw my head back and squeezed my eyes shut. Think Amber, think! What's the cure!? I jogged to my desk to see if I could find anything on the records.

Six minutes passed, and I still couldn't remember, or find anything. Data and Jean-Luc sat before me, suggesting ideas for the cure. Suddenly, as Wesley ran in, it came to me. As I stood up I sent my chair flying behind me.
"I got it!" Wesley and I shouted at the same time.


I stood staring at the Commander.
"I remember a while ago," I muttered, thinking aloud. Geordi came up beside me. "I was dreading this certain experiment. Well, I wasn't necessarily dreading the experiment, I was dreading whom I was doing it with. My mom. You see, we had an insignificant argument that morning, but I didn't believe she was right. I got so mad at her for nothing! I told her I wouldn't be sad if I never saw her again. So, seeing how much I was dreading it, Commander Riker dragged me to Sick Bay and sat both of us down. He helped my mom and I work it out." I mumbled, staring absently at the ground. "We've never had an argument since. Geordi," I sighed, turning to him. "There has got to be a way to contact Starbase 79. This Walkie Talkie I've created...I gave one to mom before she left and it was working about five hours ago. I think I can adjust it to where we can talk to each other from this far away. We have to broaden the signal somehow..." I dragged off, showing it to Geordi. He nodded.
"That should be simple. Come on let's run down to engineering. We have to hurry 'cause we only have-" He paused to glance at a clock. Raising his brows, he began to run. "Only 6 minutes left Wes! Hurry!"

Fusing the front back on, I attempted to contact my mom.
"W-ley?" Her voice came out statically, and I could barely understand her.
"Mom?! Can you understand me? You're breaking up a bit!" I yelled, glancing excitedly at Geordi. Sharing my reaction, Geordi, grabbed the Walkie Talkie. Running the Tricorder over it and fixing something, he handed it back to me.
"Yes, I can hear you! How though? And why?" She asked. I could hear the excitement dissolve into worry.
"Mom, I don't have time to answer your questions. You need to go to the file room in Sick Bay." I ordered, using my 'authority' voice Riker taught me one time when we were messing around.
"Yes, yes I'm there." Mom hesitated. I nodded.
"Look for the file on the 'Gimme' disease. Tell me if there is a cure for it." I explained, and Geordi motioned that we head back to Sick Bay. We dashed into the Turbolift, and Geordi ordered it to Sick Bay.
"Okay, here it is..." Mom began, clearing her throat.


"Of course I should have thought of it earlier!" I scolded myself.
"The cure is itself!" Wesley proclaimed, walking farther into the room. I nodded.
"You have to infect someone else, then extract the blood from both infected people out of their wrists. Then, you inject the second persons' wrist blood with the first persons, and vise versa, canceling each other out!" I summarized, dashing back to Will. Tapping my insignia, I ordered Worf to deactivate the Force Field. Everyone crowded around but kept a safe distance. Grabbing a hypospray, I glanced down at Riker and I's green wrists. This had better work I thought.
"Fifty-three seconds doctor," Picard whispered, staring at us. I nodded and drew blood from Will's wrist. I did the same with mine, then injected Will's blood into my wrist, and my blood into Will's. "Fifteen seconds." The green spots didn't fade. I sent a panicked look at Wesley. Eye's bulging, he stared back at me. Suddenly, everything went black.

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