The New Captain

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The door's of the Turbolift opened, allowing me access to the Bridge.
"Dr. Presley reporting as ordered Sir."
The Captain walked up to me.
"Doctor, Commander Riker has the disease." He informed me, crossing his right arm over his stomach using it as a rest for his left arm as he stroked his imaginary beard. I gulped. 
"Where is he." I breathed, staring into the Captain's olive green eyes. Captain Picard glanced at the ground before returning eye contact.
"Guinan has him temporarily contained in Ten-Forward. Doctor," Jean-Luc paused. Shaking his head, his arms fell to his side. "Heal him."
I bit my bottom lip. "I'll do everything I can, Sir."
Nodding his head, he sighed. "Mr. Data, Mr. La Forge, you're with me. Worf, you have the Bridge." Turning back to me, he added, "We will accompany you, Doctor." 
"Sir-" Worf began to protest, but the Captain held up his hand.
"Admiral Stewart needs you and the Counselor healthy for the special assignment." 
"Let's go," I muttered, entering the Turbolift, the three trailing behind me. "Ten-Forward," I ordered.

The door's opened and we stepped into the empty Ten-Forward. Commander Riker sat at a table in the corner, gulping down an orange-ish looking drink. Guinan sidled up beside me.
"Did you touch him? What all has he touched?" I questioned, not taking my eyes off of him.
          Feeling her eyes on me, I waited for a response.
"I managed to keep him isolated from everyone else while they filed out. He didn't touch anyone. As for objects, he leaned on that chair-" she pointed to a chair near him. "while he staggered to the chair he's sitting on now."
I sighed. "Okay, Geordi, I need your help. Guinan, you may leave now. The fewer people we expose to this disease, the better. Geordi," I called, turning to Geordi who stood in front of the Turbolift. He rushed over. "walk the halls and clear everyone out from it. Make sure there is no one from here to Sick Bay. Also, clear out Sick Bay. I don't want to see anyone other than us who are already here. Hurry."
"Yes, M'am." He obeyed, leaving Ten-Forward. I turned to Data and stared into his yellow android eyes.
"Data, it is believed this disease only tries to take over flesh and blood, not computers or in your case, Androids. Therefore, my hypothesis is that you cannot contract the disease. But I don't know that for sure. My question is... would you help me bring Riker into Sick Bay? If the disease wanted or knew how to take over computers, it could have easily done it. This is your choice Data." I explained, rocking back and forth on my heels while biting my lip. Data raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth.
"Your hypothesis sounds correct. I believe if the disease wished to take over the computers, it would have succeeded by now. I will help you, doctor." Data agreed, placing a small smile on his white gold face. I grinned.
"Thank you Data. All right here is what we are going to do. We will approach him, and I will talk to him. Once he agrees to what I ask, Data, you sling his arm around your shoulder, allowing him to lean on you. Use your Android strength to keep his arms by his side so he doesn't touch anything. Once you have a firm grip, Captain Picard and I will lead you to Sick Bay. There, you will place the Commander on the surgical bed in the middle. We will then ask Worf to put a force field around him and ask Riker what he wants. Hopefully, he's only in the first hour of his disease. In the second and third hours, what the patients often ask is usually beyond our abilities. We have to act quickly. Let's go." I instructed, nodding to Data to follow me. We approached Riker, and he glanced up at us.
"Hello, Commander! How are you feeling?" I asked, plastering on a sweet smile. Shrugging his shoulders, he leaned back in his chair, tucking his hands behind his head. I noticed the green spot on the inside of his wrist, but I tried to ignore it.
"To be honest, not so good doctor. I feel very hot..." He groaned, tugging at his collar, trying to loosen it. I glanced at Data, then returned my attention to Riker. His disheveled hair flew in every direction.
"You'd better come to Sick Bay so I can diagnose what is wrong. You should be feeling better in no time!" I dragged off, hoping he would agree. Sighing, he stumbled to his feet.
"Sounds great! Let's go!" He chuckled, using a chair to steady him. Suddenly, as he took a step forward, the Commander tripped over a chair leg, tumbling down on me. Gasping for air, I looked up into Riker's face. Still laying on top of me, I could see the desperate look on his face.
He knows. I thought. He knows Gimmi has control over him and there is nothing he can do.
Grabbing Riker's arms, Data used his Android strength to lift Riker off of me. Picard bent down to help me up, but I shook my head.
"No!" I warned, sitting up and scooting away from him. "I'm probably infected now too. Go to Sick Bay. Between Data and I, we will get Commander Riker there. Tell Worf to ready the Force Field."
Hesitantly, Captain Picard obeyed, exiting Sick Bay. Standing up, I pulled the Commanders right arm around my shoulder, while Data steadied his left.
"All right, Data and I are going to act as crutches. Since you are much taller than us Riker, I need you to use your legs just a bit, try to stand on your own. We will help you move." I instructed. He nodded, and Data and I stumbled forward, Riker struggling to stay upright. Data's 5' 11'' and my 5' 2'' frame had a hard time supporting the Commanders 6' 3'' height, but we have no time for anything else. "D-Data," I muttered. "How long-ouch!" Riker stepped on my foot. "Speculate how long ago Riker contacted this," I rolled my eyes as he did it again. "...this disease."
"Approximately," We squeezed out of the Turbolift. "Two hours-"
Riker stumbled forward, bringing us along. I slipped and almost fell, but I hung onto the Commanders shoulder. "...nine minutes, and twelve seconds Doctor." I sighed.
"Thank you," I mumbled as we entered Sick Bay. 'Finally.' I thought. The Captain and Geordi rushed to greet us, but I held up my hand. "Don't. Move to the far side of the room." They obeyed, and Data and I sat Riker on the bed. Riker had a smirk plastered on his face, but I could tell in his eyes, he was frightened.
"It's going to be all right Will," I whispered, stepping away. 
"Worf, activate the force field." Captain Picard ordered, and a blue light shined down.
"All right, I'm going to ask him what he wants now," I said, staring at Jean-Luc, Geordi, and Data. "I have a couple of instructions. One, call each other by our first name. It's going to be easier that way because Riker will continually change his mind of what he wants. We don't have time to be calling each other 'Captain' or 'Lieutenant Commander' or 'Doctor.' Two, both of you stay by the replicators. If Riker asks anything that is possibly made by it, make it! We have a better chance of getting it quickly to Riker if we have you two making it. Data, you will help me by giving me the things Jean-Luc or Geordi makes. Forget rank right now. We have got to get rid of this disease, or none of us will be alive to continue our duties. Ready?" I finished my lecture, and everyone nodded their heads. I sighed. "Let's go." Data and I approached Riker as Geordi instructed Worf to deactivate the force field. "So Commander, do you feel like you want or need anything right now? A drink? A slice of bread? Perhaps an orange?"
Riker thoughts for a second then smiled. "No. I want an apple pie, dutch apple pie with vanilla ice cream on the side." I could hear Geordi and Jean-Luc asking the different replicators for the apple pie. Data held out the pie to me as Riker stroked his beard. "No...I think I want a history book instead." Data threw the pie, and it unintentionally landed on the back on Picard's head as he and Geordi were asking their replicators for a history book. Stifling a laugh, I watched at Jean-Luc held out the history book to Data.
"Sorry, Sir." Data raised his brows, slowing turning around and handing the book to me. I tried to shove it into Riker's hands, but Riker shook his head.
"No. I know exactly what I want now." Riker smiled, unnerving me. My face paled as he began. "I want full control of the ship. I want to go to the Neutral Zone." He shrugged, a deep laugh rumbling from his throat. I slowly turned around to face Jean-Luc.
"This one won't pass Jean-Luc. This is what the life-form is after. This is Riker's last request."
"Are you suggesting that I go into the Neutral Zone?" Picard breathed, staring at me intensely. I quickly shook my head.
"No. I'm merely stating-"
"What if we take him to the Holodeck? We could program it to be the Enterprise and maybe he will fall for it." Geordi suggested, keeping his voice down. I bit my lip as my eyes widened.
"Brilliant. Data, come on. Geordi, you and Jean-Luc quickly go and program it. Make it identical. Although I hate doing it, bring Wesley and Worf. We need this to be good. Now go! Hurry!" I commanded, and Data and I hurried to Riker. "Come one, Will. You are going to be the proud-" I grunted as I slung his arm around my shoulder, Data doing the same with Rikers left. " Captain of the USS Enterprise."

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