Chapter One: Soul Awakening

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Instances of silence allows your mind to be at its absolute loudest. As the ash fell from the heavens to rest upon my skin there was only the silence. As the rubble of the earth bounced alive into the air there was only the silence. As the lightning struck an inch from the tip of my nose there was only the silence. In these moments you could truly discover more about yourself than ever before. This is when the ringing began.

Screeching across the cracked concrete, aiming straight for my ears, was a pitchy hum. It turned my insides and switched my temperature to arctic. Bumps forming along the skin, my body vibrating in hopes of creating warmth. Attempting to move into a kneel was painful but necessary to enquire about the foreign environment. The ringing ceased.

Grey; this was the only way to describe such landscape. Grey through the cloudless sky, along the dusty concreted earth that it connects with. No sight of much else could be found. I wasn't able to locate a sun or a moon, but it was bright. Even though my sight felt blind with such an empty surrounding, my hearing found a way back into play. Heavy breathing, coming from myself; sharp booms of thunder – couldn't spot the lightning this time.

The ringing began once again, but this time I could narrow the placement to directly behind me. Whipping my face around, I captured a new entity; the ringing ceased. I stood to encounter this new being. It appeared to be an immense egg that was taller than myself. In coal black and instead of a smooth, fragile shell; it had scales that deemed to be as sturdy as stone.

I inched closer and closer to the unknown until I was able to brush my palm across one of its scales. The sound of thunder rumbled, and a crack formed through the middle of the egg. Peering into the hollowness a shimmer appeared at the base and began to move nearer. It was black surrounding a silver glowing diamond for a set of eyes that just stared at me.

Shivers went down my spine while tears swelled in my eyes. The moment felt too emotional as swirls of sickness attacked my mind. A shrill cry blasted through the crack and flew me backgrounds to meet the ground once again. Arms covered in grey ash reached out of the split and clawed the shell with animalistic tendencies. Then the arms just relaxed and reached out for me, begging for my attention, my sympathy.

"Melodînæy Lela Ravenswood," the voice was female and eerily familiar but not quite. As if it were the whispers of someone that I know but twisted; darker. "Let me out. You need me and soon enough you will want me. Let me out my sweet Melody."

The world around me was blurring. In quick succession; thunder, cry, lightning, beg, wind, screaming for me to release her. Then, black.

I jolt awake, thankfully not overly loud but noticeable enough for some neighboring students. Wiping the saliva off my chin, I stretched my body up, watching Miss. Witam. She sauntered around the front of the room as a piece of chalk floated from side to side, writing the notes on the blackboard.

"You may as well not turn up to class if you are going to sleep through it," was a whisper from next to me. My eyes wandered over to Andrea Carson. Her hair is an icy blue and flowed down just past the halfway point on her body. She has ghost-like skin and dreadfully petite to the bone, with hollow craters for cheeks and on either side of the clavicle. Ears that end in an upwards point with a deep navy iris on the left, hazelnut chocolate iris for the right.

"20% of the final grade is attendance. I may not ace the other 80% but at least I will ace 20%," I grin in her direction.

"I don't understand what is wrong with you. Vampires don't sleep and yet today you do. Are you dreaming again?" she displayed a calm face, but her eyes didn't match her masked emotion. Worried, possibly even terrified after the last time. Last time I had odd dreams that we couldn't explain, many lives were ruined, some were even taken away.

Miss. Witam concluded the class, and everyone started packing up and wandering out. Andrea wasn't moving a muscle as she awaited my reply.

"Of course not, Andy. I am just conserving energy to blow later tonight. Plus, class today wasn't all that interesting. A mythical dimension that is a prison world that mimics the concept of hell and contains the world's most criminal creatures. Intriguing, but not reality, therefore, not interesting to me. Prison is in this dimension and it is run by the BCA." I have always hated lying through my teeth but sometimes people can't always handle the truth.

Seeming pleased about my answer, she jumps up and flashes me her pearly whites.

"I will meet you on the bleachers with some lunch for us." Positivity just continuously beams from somewhere within her.

"Why can't I come with you?"

"Because, you may be here for another half an hour flirting with the teacher assistant and I am too hungry to wait for you." Glaring her way but not saying anything in return. Unfortunately, it is too true to argue so she skips off, winning this battle.

Slinking down to the front of the classroom where Harley Jefferson cleans up after Witam. He smiles up at me and crosses his heavy arms, while the deep brown curls fall in front of his golden eyes. I hand him stapled pieces of paper that hold my first draft of the upcoming assignment on it. Already glancing and beginning to study each word he starts to speak.

"You know, you shouldn't daydream through class. Especially, during a topic that will be on the exam."

"I'm sorry Mr. Jefferson."

"And don't be a smart ass"

"I am sorry though, just wasn't focused today."

He sighs at my response as if disappointed, but I knew that he looked down to hide his grin.

"I will give you a set of my notes. Mel, don't let people know that you have them either."

"Will do sir." Giving a little salute. His response was to roll his eyes.

"I turned 21 today."

"Happy Birthday."

"Thank you. I am having a party if you want to attend. You are a teacher's assistant in this class, but you are also a student trying to get your degree."

He chuckles a little. "I didn't think that I was any different from you Melody. Can I bring my girlfriend? Only because honestly, I wouldn't be able to go any way else."

A pang hits me internally, remembering the existence of Chloe Saunders.

"Yes, of course. The more the merrier."

I whip around and head out of the class, ignoring the fact the Harley is calling after me to come back. Sometimes, creating an instance of silence is the absolute loudest way to let another know that my mind needs to breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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