28 - I Wanna Grow Old With You / Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad," Harry whispered.

"Me too." He replied, running a hand through his boyfriend's curls and not saying another world.


"How are you today, London!" Louis announced proudly, holding the microphone close to his mouth as he glanced over the dark room, searching for the fans. There was a few lights shining in his face, blinding him entirely but he tried not to let screw up his facial expressions. This was probably the fourth show he was doing so far, and he was loving the new tour. Everything was set up to perfection, just the way he wanted it and the venues were packed. 

The fans were dedicated, as ever. They brought posters, sang along to every word of the songs and screamed as loud as they could. It was daunting to be up on stage on your own, with a few back dancers. Louis was definitely not a dancer. Every now and then, he would invite up Liam on the stage or Zayn-- just to bring some excitement to his shows.

And for the first time on this tour, he was going to bring Harry up and announce exactly who he is.

The reply to his questions were just a collective screams from every corner of the room, every inch of the venue and Louis smiled blissfully to himself.

"You guys are incredible, really!" Louis laughed, smiling at the fans in the front row who were waving at him, trying to catch his attention. "All of you 30,000 people, here, to see me perform! Nah, I'm pathetic!"

The fans screamed louder.

"Well, guys. Today, I wanted to dedicate this little part of my show towards someone speicla, actually. As you may, or may not know, I was a mess just a few months ago! 6 months ago, to be exact! And you guys knew it. I still don't know why you supported me but you did, and I'm thankful. I love every single one of you guys here! But, there's someone really special whose in this room tonight that I want to dedicate this whole concert too. Harry, where are you love?"

The crowd went louder as Harry stood up from the row he was sitting at, looking shocked, wide eyed and caught off guard-- for sure. Louis loved surprising his boyfriend, loved seeing his mouth hanging open as he glanced around the venue, not sure what to do.

Louis just smiled, beckoning him to come up here. "Careful love," he instructed Harry. "The security guards will help you."

After a few minutes, Harry appeared from around the corner, clutching his hands nervously as he approached on the stage. He looked a bit scared, definitely not used to standing in front of the crowd-- used to being behind it. Louis ran towards him, nodding and grabbing his hand whilst leading him down at the end of the catwalk.

By now, the crowds were insane and loud.

"You got an ear piece?" Louis tried to yell over the sounds, signalling towards his ears.

"Y-yeah.." Harry strutted out.

"Right!" Louis continued with his speech, a glint of sparkle in his eyes as he didn't let go of his boyfriends hand. "Today, I'd like to announce the fact that I am in a loving, committed relationship with this little idiot here whose name is Harry. I love him to pieces, more than I can ever understand. He's my little sunshine. I dedicate this whole concert tonight to him!"

Harry was staring into Louis's eyes, content and his mouth twitched up in a smile as he leaned forward and placed a long, lovingly kiss on Louis's lip which he relaxed into. After a minute or two, they pulled away and Louis grinned.

"Love, go backstage and sit there, it'll be easier, yeah? Enjoy the show lovely!" He dropped another kiss on Harry's cheek and then continued forward. 

More than anything, Louis was just glad to be free and out.


It was weird at first. All the articles, rumours, pictures that came out of Louis and Harry, indicating their relationship. Some of it were lies, made up and completely not true but Louis wasn't bothered to address it. He didn't care. Only him and Harry knew the entire truth-- and that's all that mattered. All that mattered was that every night, they got into the same bed and shared kisses and cuddled in together, safe and sound with each other.

The tour carried on, every night the same show but Louis was happy. He couldn't be more happy with how everything was turning out. He had a beautiful boyfriend who was supportive, turning up to every show and supporting Louis on. Harry was interacting with the fans, dealing with the fame well-- which was surprising, and amazing.

Louis had the perfect family, his mother and his sisters. Jay finally gave birth to the twins, Doris and Ernest and Louis was over the moon with happiness for his extending family. He tried to visit as much as he could, finding it hard since they were on tour-- but that's just how things worked out.

When the tour was finally over, they returned home and started living a normal life, doing normal boyfriend, couple things. They went on dates, they had movie days, they messed around in the kitchen-- anything you could imagine.

Louis felt so normal after the longest time and he never wanted this to stop.

One day, they were cuddled up on the sofa, watching Love Actually, again when Harry tapped Louis on the shoulder. He turned around straight away and smiled. "Yes love?"

Harry looked a little shy, holding something back. "I need to tell you something."

He sat up straight, a little afraid of what's to come next as his heart started racing slightly. The past year had been nothing but happy moments full of joy and this one little thing could bring everything crashing down. Still, Louis tried to keep his mouth twitched upwards. "Sure?"

"I'm scared though."

"Just say it Haz, I won't ever judge you. You know that."

"I know." He paused. "I want to follow my dreams now, I've been inspired by your success."

Louis raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? And what's your dream?"

"Modelling." Harry whispered, ashamed, head bowed.

Louis knew all along that Harry always had one ambition at heart, only working and wanting one thing-- but pushing it away. Harry had self esteem issues, he was insecure, he had anxiety and Dalton definitely broke it down even more. It took a whole year for him to start recovering, to start seeing someone and talking about his problems, to start eating more healthier again, slowly. He was making progress, he was looking good, he was smiling at his reflection in the mirror and finally, he was starting to love himself.

It was a long winded progress, it had more relapses than recovery but it was working. It was finally working. 

Louis felt his heart started to race, not sure whether this was real life or not. He wanted the younger boy to follow his dreams more than anything, wanted to see him showing off his amazing body on the catwalk, in pictures.

He leaned forward, placing a finger under Harry's chin and making their eyes meet again. "Yeah? Modelling?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah." He breathed out.

"God... I'm so proud. Are you sure? I can help you, you know?"

"I want to do this myself." Harry said, determined. "But, a little help won't hurt."

"I knew you loved modelling, I knew it Haz. I want you to follow your dreams, I do."

"I always will."

Louis smiled, leaning forward and kissing Harry on the lips, then his cheeks, neck and his bare chest before sighing in bliss. "I love you, Harry Styles. I do."

"I love you too, Louis Tomlinson, I do."

"Now let's get up, try out some modelling agencies and that. Then, I need to pop down to the recording studio and get some song writing done!"

"Thinking about me?"

Louis smirked. "Always."

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