10 - Play The Game

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"I hate my life," Louis announced dramatically to himself, looking in the mirror and fixing his shirt around his neck so it looked perfectly. The dress code for today wasn't too formal but not too casual either. Louis had to be taking Eleanor to a perfect little restaurant up London, really glamorous and flashy, all up in other peoples face and the whole idea of tonight was beginning to give him a headache. He just wasn't prepared for this side of the fame, going out on dates with people he could never like even if he tried. What a bloody waste of his time? Damn management and Jacob.

He hadn't talked to Harry since the day he rushed out, not knowing what words to say anymore because it was the truth. Louis was still in love with him and no matter how much he tried to deny it, the feelings wouldn't go. He knew it was probably wrong trying to kiss him, or even coming close to it, but it was like a reflex - he couldn't help it. He wanted to taste Harry again, he wanted to feel Harry's soft, luscious lips on his and he wanted to experience what it's like to feel whole again because so far, Louis hasn't been feeling okay.

Louis didn't even bother informing any of his friends that he was going on a date today, feeling like it would blow up and spread around so no one knew effectively. Just him and his management team. He could just begin to imagine all the news, the tabloids, the articles about Eleanor and he wanted to be sick. Not only was that going to break his fans heart but his friends were going to lecture him once or twice - maybe more too.

Management honestly considered Louis as a joke, like his feelings didn't even matter and they didn't even give this bearding Eleanor situation a second glance at. As long as they are making their money, one way or another, it didn't even matter how Louis felt. He doubted that Eleanor was happy with this arrangement since she probably had her own love life.

He couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult she could be to deal with if Eleanor had her own boyfriend, how she would constantly push Louis around. 

Here comes on another headache.

Louis clutched his head, trying to make it die down quickly before he grabbed his phone and headed out of his door. Jacob had text him all the details in the morning, indicating exactly where Eleanor lived and where to take her. He wish he had his own freedom as to where he could take her, Louis would take Eleanor to a vintage little cafe out of everyone's way where they could calmly discuss her newly found fame life and how much Eleanor was going to dread it. The only reason they were informed about a place to go to was because paparazzi had been told and paid to go there as well.

Just thinking about the hundreds of flashes that were going to go off constantly was enough to make Louis want to turn back home, lock the doors and never see the world again. He hated paparazzi, he wasn't allowed to talk to them or let out any information therefore it became harder to remain calm around them. They were disgusting, nosy people who don't leave you alone or your sorry life.

Louis drove downtown, her house being quite faraway and still in quite a regular area since she's only beginning to start her fame and therefore isn't earning much money at all - if none. He felt terribly sorry, like he should be warning her to run a mile but all that's done is done now. She's signed the contract, she's in it for life.

Eleanor was standing outside her house and Louis thought she was wonderfully beautiful, at first glance. Although she was weirdly, maybe abormally, thin she was really pretty and Louis doesn't find many girls pretty, at all. She had long, wavy dark brown and she wore a bright smile on her face - wasn't going to last too long. This was going to make them both miserable, he could just imagine months down the line.

She approached the car, looking quite uncertain with herself as she stood awkwardly outside the car. Louis smiled at her, nodding and beckoning her in which she looked grateful for. Once she was settled in, her seatbelt on, she turned to Louis and smiled.

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