16 - It's Like Magic

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"Ergh, you guys are disgusting!" Louis wrinkled his nose, entering the kitchen of Zayn's apartment and seeing Zayn and Liam practically making out. "Just have sex, goddamn!" He groaned, shaking his head as he moved to the fridge and grabbed himself a drink.

Zayn just smiled, not looking the slightest bit fazed by the comment. Their relationship had been moving really fast, they had already have sex and they were completely smitten for each other. Zayn didn't want anyone else besides Liam, didn't see anyone besides Liam and it was amazing that he could rely and trust on one person with his whole life. He was so glad that they were able to accept who they were. It was a little difficult for Zayn at first since he never actually had feeling for another guy before. It was all confusing, a little hard to understand and accept but he felt nothing more than warmth when he was with Liam. It made him realise this was all he ever wanted, needed and that was all for him to get through.

Since then, Liam's practically moved in together and they shared special, intimate moments everyday. Louis, however, wasn't as supportive-- dropping comments on a daily basis but secretly, inside he couldn't be more proud. He loved how true, how real their relationship was and he wanted nothing more than success and greatness for the two of them.

"You love us!" Zayn chuckled, moving out of the way to allow Louis easier access to his place. "You should get used to seeing this."

Louis groaned, shaking his head and covering his face. "Please!"

Liam narrowed his eyes at Louis, shooting his a warning glare before coming around and wrapping his hands around Zayn, nibbling at his ear lobe. "Don't hate on us because you can't be us!" He quoted a cliche line, laughing at himself as Zayn joined in and swatted Liam playfully.

"God, can't wait till you're over your honeymoon phase."

"I'll still love him just the same," Liam promised, not removing his arms from around Zayn's waist and instead, snuggling closer. "Are you meeting Harry today?"

Louis nodded, trying not to let his nerves show. He had been planning today for a week now and it was slowly killing him now. He had purposely waited this long so he could make this day go perfect, have everything go just the way he wanted it to. He had already made reservations in a prestige, fancy restaurant and he was planning to sneak them into their old school fields where they used to play football and sing to Harry. It all seemed cheesy, something you would see from a movie but Louis just wanted it to go smoothly. So far, everything had gone terribly wrong in his life. A good always turned into a bad and he failed to find happiness from any corner of his life. Now, he was going to make this right.

"Yeah, I am." Louis leaned against the fridge, sipping on his tropical juice carton like a toddler. It was only 5pm but thinking about tonight was making his stomach do flips and his heart race just the slightest.

Harry had text him a few times, at random times during the day that left Louis grinning like a child throughout the day. Simple things like 'I'm thinking of you' or 'I miss your smile' or 'Shall I wear a suit on Saturday?' and it left Louis reading the messages hours later, clutching the phone close to his chest. It had been so long since they had been able to text each other, share silly moments over the phone and Louis couldn't believe they had been able to come to this point in their broken, disorganised relationship. It still felt like a dream.

Liam frowned a little. "I don't know. It feels like a bad idea." He shrugged.

"Just because you got Zayn now, let me chase my own happiness." Louis teased lightly, no hint of hostility in his voice. He could understand why his friends were afraid, not wanting him to go after Harry or take him out on a date. He knew he was probably being stupid, taking a leap of faith with expectations that would only end with empty bottles and a broken heart. It was a risk he was willing to take.

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