13 - Tell Me A Story

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Louis had told himself that he wouldn't return here, he wouldn't come back to this apartment where he was surrounded by the happy couple but he couldn't help it. He didn't want to torture himself, he really didn't but a part of him felt compelled to come here and just give Harry the phone back. He wanted to see something, some sort of emotion in his eyes -- guilt maybe as he handed the phone back. He was probably going to end up going back, utterly heartbroken but Louis was growing quite used to the feeling now and it probably wasn't the best thing in the world but it is what it is.

He could never grow used to the ugly neighbourhood, though. It truly disturbed him to come down here on the one occasion he did and he simply couldn't imagine living here. It was dirty, unsafe and it certainly didn't look safe enough to be living besides these people. Louis tried not to judge, reminded himself that not everyone was in the same position that he was in, loaded with millions.

He packed up the car outside the flat block, feeling the familiar memories hit him of how strangely weird that day was. The first time he had come here, he felt intimidated by Dalton and he never felt that way with anyone else except his management team -- only on several occasions. It was nerve wracking the effect that Dalton had on his life, even if it was the smallest role.

Louis didn't want to be rude, he didn't want to suffocate Harry with questions by bombarding him and throwing the phone down on him. Sure, he was still enraged and boiling from the fact that Harry had lied to him about a simple cellphone. If he didn't want to give his number, he could've just said and Louis wouldn't of made a big deal of it. Instead, he lied and made Louis believe it -- and Louis didn't like that. He just wanted valid answers and then he would leave, he wouldn't bother Harry.

Hesitating outside the flat block, Louis decided to go straight in with the code since he already knew it from last time and went straight up the stairs to Harry's door. He was out of breath by the time he reached there but he didn't even care as he knocked harshly on the wood, standing back and taking a deep breath. There was some shuffling from the inside and he could hear Harry cursing as he walked around and opened the door.

"Dalton, I didn't - oh.." Harry breathed out, voice shaky and uncertain. "Oh, it's you."

Louis was taken back by Harry's appearance, gasping as he stumbled back and covered his mouth to control his breathing. He hadn't expected this. He didn't expect Harry to be opening the door, looking completely wrecked and broken with little bruises covered his face and a black eye -- looking awfully painful. He was wearing a shirt that had a low cut, exposing lots of little lovebites on Harry's neck and Louis felt like his whole world stopped right there. Harry looked so torn, so hurt and Louis felt tears well up in his eyes.

"What happened?" Louis finally choked out, trying to move forward and comfort him in any way he could but it seemed like nothing could fix what was standing before him. Had Dalton done this to him? Laid his hands and punched him straight in the eye?

Harry looked shocked, at first and moved back, flinching. "Louis, you should go." His voice was strained. It was clear he was holding something back and there was a sparkle of something desperate in his eyes as he glanced towards the lifts of the apartment complex. "You really should go." He repeated.

His eyes had light red rings under them, huge eyebags like he hadn't got a decent nights sleep in ages and he looked worn up, as usual. It was like any other day Louis would go to meet Harry, he always looked as equally tired as the other day -- but today was something different. Today, Harry was clearly hurt, something had happened here and Louis wanted to know what it was. He wanted to punch Dalton as equally hard if it was him because this isn't acceptable.

Where It Went Wrong » LarryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ