2 - Reunion and Declarations

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 Louis's meeting with management had been long and torturous as they basically took over everything, not giving him much say in what he wanted to do with the perfume and only asked for his input every now and then. They told him they knew better, knew what the fans wanted from Louis but Louis knew better. He knows his fans better than anyone else since he interacted with them so often, tried to talk to as much as they could despite his tight and busy schedule. He could always return home, open his phone and have so many sweet messages from so many different people all over the world and it was really heartwarming. He had the best support by his side and now he just needed and wanted his management to treat him his age, let him make decisions on his own. He wasn't a child like they treated him.

When the meeting was done and they had decided on the different ingredients Louis was going to add, he left the headquarters rather glad he could go home and relax. He just wanted to wind down from such a crazy day that consisted of seeing his best friend after three years and damn, Harry had changed so drastically. He looked so much mature, like he had so much more knowledge and he was no longer the naive 17 year old Louis had fallen in love with. Harry looked wise, like he experience to talk from and Louis could only hope he had a good time and was doing well. He also prayed and hoped that Harry had gone to university, gotten himself a degree and was working a job that was worthwhile.

The next day, Louis had decided not to tell anyone what he was doing today. He didn't want people asking questions and the lads continuously checking up on him. He knew this day was huge, he was coming face to face to Harry after so long for a proper conversation and hopefully get some explanations. He didn't need the other boys after him, making sure he's feeling okay like they always did.

He got up extra early, anxious to see Harry's face again after so long. He didn't want to get over it, not now but he didn't want to make it painfully obvious. He wanted Harry to have a clear idea of how and where his feelings are but he didn't want to shove it in his face too much. After all, it seemed like Harry was completely gone for Dalton and Louis had to respect that. Louis had ruined and wasted his chance before to get his thoughts and feeling spoken, known and he didn't want it to slip away again. Maybe, Louis was forgiving Harry way too quickly and agreeing to meet him after so much heartbreak but he deserved it. He needed the closure, he wanted to be close to someone who showed him so much love. 

He also wanted to know more about Dalton, what the guy had done to achieve so much love and respect from Harry that he thought it was okay to cut Louis out. Dalton must be some kind of king, one of them boyfriends who showered love on their closed ones, making them feel beautiful all the time. And that's what Harry deserved: someone that makes him feel beautiful all the time. Harry was flawless all over and he really hoped Harry was aware of that. 

Louis didn't alert his bodyguards what he was doing today and didn't bother replying to his friends.  He knew this could end in a disaster, end up getting mobbed and followed and not have a security guard to keep him safe but it was Harry's wish to be alone and maybe there was a reason behind it. He just needed to be extra careful, disguise more carefully and the place they had decided to meet was the last person a fan would spot him anyway.

He wanted to buy Harry a new phone just before meeting him but he was out of time and he had to do it the next time - if there was going to be a next time. He couldn't believe that Harry didn't even have a cellphone that he could reach him on, just in case Louis needed to change plans or decide to change the location. After all, he was taking a huge risk for Harry coming out alone with security or informing his team where he was going. 

Louis just had no idea how this was going to end. It could end one way or another. One way could be that Harry embraces him back into his life and Louis learns to appreciate him, take him back and let him back into his hectic life. Or, Harry and Louis argues and he never wants to see him again. He was just wishing it would end the first way because he was tired of fighting, tired of being wrong and having to stay high to keep Harry out of his mind even after all these years.

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