
Start from the beginning

"Are you serious?" Eli grumbles. This makes burst into laughter causing other people in the hallway to give me judging glances.

"Relax, I remember." I hum with a grin. By now the hallway was getting quieter so I started taking larger steps so we would be late to class.

"Well during that time all I could think was 'Damn this girl punches like an ape,'" He states which leaves me confused.

"Why are you telling me this, that was ages ago?" I question, completely bemused.

"No reason, your face just reminded me of that time." he shrugs nonchalantly. I sigh. Why is everything an insult?

"Y'know Elliot, suck my dick." I mumble. He only laughs.

We enter the class room and I'm once again reminded how plain but inviting the atmosphere is. There's low chatter of students casually conversing at various areas around the benches lining the class walls.

Mrs Small is at her desk at the the front organising things excitedly. She must be so eager to tell us about the babies which she must think will shock us. I giggle slightly. She's just so cute.

Mrs Small attempts to get the attention of the class and the muttering does down.

"Good Morning my lovely class," she starts in her gentle and sheer Irish accent. "I have the special news today which i'm sure you're all excited for." I look around the class and am met with dull looking faces. They don't look that excited either, except Rebecca Andrews who seems more than ecstatic to have a baby.

"You guys are now parents!" She informs "You will be looking after precious babies and i'm expecting you to take good care of them, this activity will be of course performed in partners because it is crucial that a child grows up with two stable parents."

I'd say that last comment was highly debatable. Summer has just a mom and she's doing great. My other friend, Jordan has just a dad and she's real happy, though i'm not quite sure at the moment, we haven't talked in ages. We really should I miss her heaps. Mrs Small's instructions cut me off from my thoughts.

"You guys will be getting your babies in a couple weeks but today i want you to choose your co-parent and have a talk about names, parenting plans and all that jazz. Chop Chop." the tiny lady claps her hand that hurries of busily behind her desk.

"What are we going to name our baby, partner?" coos Eli. In his dreams!

"There is no way you are helping parent my child, Daniels!" I retort. He widely grins.

"Who else do you have other than me" He's right. I look around the classroom hopelessly.

"Rebecca." I state with false confidence. To be honest I definitely would not like to raise my child with Rebecca either. I'm more than sure we wouldn't see eye to eye but I couldn't let Eli have my pride without a good fight.

"Nice try but by the looks of it, Rebecca already has a partner." Eli laughs. To my dismay, I see Rebecca laughing with a tall guy I don't recognise. I look around me to see that everyone has a partner. Of course this class has an even amount of people in it.

"Gosh darn it! Fine you win, nerd." I yelp exasperatedly. Knowing that my child has someone like Eli as a father honestly upsets me. I send a quick, apologetic prayer to my future son and sigh.

"Surely this is revenge enough." I mutter lowly, "My child's wellbeing is at stake, it can't get worse than this, Daniels."

"Trust me babe, it really can." He declares with a grin. "Now!" He ventures without warning, "What shall we name our lovely our little princess?"

"Princess?" I chide with a brow raised. "What do you mean princess, clearly we're having a boy."

"No way Sanders, we're having a baby girl." Eli adjusts himself as he leans against the bench with his elbow. His eyebrows furrowed and expression serious.

"Do you want to be my partner or not?" I press with an eye roll. "I say boy."

"One, you have no other choice and two, we are having a girl."

This guy would be the death of me. There is no way in the world. I want a boy, I'm having a boy. Why wouldn't anyone want a boy? They're easier to clean, not fussy and when they're a teenager they won't go running around and sneaking out of windows for some loser who's just using them. It just makes the most sense, obviously.

"You are delusional, Daniels." I taunt before storming off to discuss the matter with Mrs Small. She has to take my side.

"Mrs Small, is there anyway I can do this without a partner?" I plead desperately. She turns her attention away from her desk and up to me beside her before taking off her glasses and laying them flat in the desk.

"What?" She questions softly. I watch as Eli casually walks from the back of the classroom, towards us and I roll my eyes.

"I just can't work with him, he's impossible and honestly it's probably a bad environment for my son" I plead with a glare slyly shot toward Eli. Eli just smiles at the old woman and shrugs. She shakes her head disapprovingly and any wisp of I hope I had before is doused.

"You two need to do what's best for the baby. That's what parenting is all about, putting your child's needs before yours. You must learn to agree or your baby will never be happy." She informs.

"And that means an F." Eli adds smugly. "Our daughter would appreciate us to get along, don't we owe that to her, sweet cheeks?" Eli sings.

My glare is solid. I've never felt so much fury. This is just plain disrespect to my poor son.

"That's right!" Mrs Small cheers, obviously buying into Eli's bullshit and preferring him over me. "So you guys are having a girl? I'll just put you guys down for female and leave you to it." The woman beams with a smile.

Curse her cuteness. There is no way I let Eli win. He links his arm with mine and drags me, against my will, back to our cursed and pathetic little corner. I'm not even supposed to be in this class. Eli Daniels sucks.

"This is why we aren't friends anymore." I murmur angrily.

"Now, now" he juts "that's not how co-parents should be talking to each other."

Kill me.

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