Chapter Twelve: The Lion & The Lamb

Start from the beginning

"I know what you are.." Her eyes wouldn't meet his anymore. He knew it was over. Everything they were starting to have was gone. His sent out emotion of fear was getting to her, he knew it had to have been by now. Nothing mattered now because she knew. And she was afraid of him now. Jasper would blame himself for it though. This was his fault, he knew that.

"Say it," Jasper's cold voice startled Daniella. She didn't expect to ever hear the tone directed toward her, but she understood it. However, the words wouldn't leave her mouth. She couldn't say it to him, "Out loud. Say it." Jasper's voice was powerful. Daniella felt small in his presence, but not in danger. Not even close to it. She wasn't scared of him. She would never be afraid of him.

    The sounds in the forest seemed to disappear. The only thing to be heard was the soft breathing and constant beating of only one heart, belonging to Daniella Swan. Then a whisper was heard. The words finally leaving Dani's mouth was enough to change not only her world, but his as well.


    Jasper and Daniella seem to hover in momentary tension. He was completely exposed to her and her entire reality was utterly destroyed. Then he spoke up.

"You're afraid?" Jasper said. It seemed that he expected the answer to confirm his suspicions, but Daniella thinks that her answer will suprise him.

"No." He seemed angry. As if he wanted her to be afraid of him. But she couldn't. She can't change how she feels. And she feels everything but afraid of him. No matter how much he sends fear into her emotions, she will not be afraid of Jasper.

"Then ask me the most basic question: What do we eat?" Jasper had stepped closer, and Dani was holding her ground looking into his eyes. Honesty shining throughout her brown orbs.

"You won't hurt me, Jazz. You're different." Daniella tried to convince him of her views of him, but Jasper wasn't having any of it.

"You think you know me? At all?" Jasper was glaring at Daniella, and her stance on the subject never wavered. Suddenly, he grabs her hand and pulls her with him going further into the woods.

"Where are we going Jasper?" Dani's voice was calm, but she was nervous. She didn't want to upset him more than she already had, but she figured it was worth the risk.

"Up the mountain and out of the cloud bank. You need to see what I really am. Why I never go out in the sunlight.." Jasper's voice was urgent.

"No! The sun, it'll hurt you, right?" She didn't want him to do this. Not if it means that he will be harmed.

"That is a myth, you want the truth, Daniella," He pulled her, but she continues to stumble along behind him. Then he was suddenly beside her, "Are you afraid?" He asked her once again.

"No." Her answer wasn't going to change. It was set. She knew that, no matter what, he would not hurt her.

"Then let me take you to a place where no one can come to help you. A place where I can do whatever I've wanted to do from the moment I saw you in that cafeteria to now." Jasper's voice was stern and cold, but Dani knew it was a mask. He was nothing but good.

"I am not afraid." Dani stated, taking a step closer to him. Her voice forceful as she tried to get him to understand. There was a pause, the wind blowing the leaves of the trees above them as well as Daniella's hair back from her face and neck.

"You should be." Jasper said, his emotionless voice not as suprising as she wished it would have been.

    Jasper grabbed her quickly and tossed her onto his back, not giving her much time to process anything at her humanly speed.

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